Wakefield Lawefield Primary School

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About Wakefield Lawefield Primary School

Name Wakefield Lawefield Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Christine Tomlinson (Acting Headteacher)
Address Lawefield Lane, Wakefield, WF2 8ST
Phone Number 01924291973
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 453
Local Authority Wakefield
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school The headteacher, ably supported by the deputy headteacher, has decisively addressed the key priorities identified at the last inspection.

As a consequence, leaders have implemented changes which have securely improved teaching and learning in key stages 1 and 2. Governors share the headteacher's ambition for the school and are supportive of what she and leaders are trying to achieve. Pupils' behaviour and attitudes to learning are a strength of the school.

Pupils say that the adults in school are caring and that they feel safe and well supported. Pupils enjoy positive relationships with each other and with adults. Pupils' enjoyment of the... school and the curriculum are reflected in their improved attendance, which now reflects that seen nationally.

Teaching in key stage 1 and key stage 2 is effective and consequently pupils make good progress. Although leaders have made significant recent improvements, there is more to do. For example, not all pupils are stretched and challenged in all lessons.

Too few pupils reach the higher standards in reading, writing and mathematics. There are strong aspects to leadership but some leaders are new to their roles. They do not all have the skills to judge and influence the work of others effectively.

Pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is promoted well. This makes an important contribution to their good behaviour and caring attitudes. The early years offers a safe and caring learning environment, ensuring that children are happy and settle quickly.

However, provision requires improvement because : teaching and children's progress are not consistently good. Teachers' expectations of what children can achieve are not consistently high. In the early years, children do not routinely receive strong examples of spoken and written English throughout the day.

Parents express very positive views about the school and say that their children are happy, safe and making good progress.

Information about this school

The school has increased in size over the last three years and is now larger than the average size for a primary school. This growth is part of an agreed plan in partnership with the local authority for the school to change from a one-form entry school to a two-form entry school.

The proportion of disadvantaged pupils is a little below average. The proportion of pupils with SEND is above average. The proportions from minority ethnic communities or who speak English as an additional language are well above average.

An above-average proportion of pupils join or leave the school other than at the usual times. Since the last section 5 inspection, there have been changes of headteacher and deputy headteacher. Similarly, several teachers have joined the school and some are new to their leadership roles.

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