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Pupils are proud to attend their school. Being a member of Dobson, Grainger or Stephenson (the three 'schools within a school') fosters pupils' palpable sense of belonging. They feel safe and are well cared for.
Pupils trust staff and turn to them for guidance and support.
Walker Riverside is a calm, purposeful place to learn. In lessons, the majority of pupils behave well.
They are keen to learn and like that their good behaviour is recognised through the merit, 'shout out' and positive behaviour systems. Some pupils need extra help to meet the school's high expectations for their behaviour. Skilled staff provide this help, including through the 'positive su...pport programme'.
Occasionally, some pupils' behaviour falls below the standard expected. Teachers manage this in line with the 'firm but fair' approach.
Pupils' achievement in national assessments in 2023 was not strong.
As a result of leaders' well-judged actions, the quality of education that pupils receive is improving but is not yet good.
Pupils develop a mature awareness of, and respect for, diversity and equality. They also become increasingly resilient as they benefit from opportunities to grapple with more challenging academic school work.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Trust and school leaders have a precise understanding of the school and its context. They are ambitious for pupils, including the high proportion of disadvantaged pupils who attend the school. Since the previous inspection, the school has taken significant steps to strengthen leadership and has sought, and taken heed of, external support.
Bold, effective decisions are leading to marked improvements in the quality of education and care. Parents and carers, pupils and staff are warm in their praise for the positive difference the school makes.
The curriculum is typically well designed, ambitious and reflective of the school's context.
It makes plain what pupils should learn. Learning is underpinned by a focus on literacy. In line with the school's realistic timelines, the work to develop the curriculum within aspects of a few subjects is ongoing.
The school's approach to teaching is set out in the 'Walker Toolkit'. Teachers follow the 'A. B.
C. D.' approach (Activate.
Build. Consolidate. Demonstrate.
). Teachers build on prior learning and present new information clearly. They spot pupils' misconceptions and take effective steps to address them.
Pupils develop a secure grasp of important knowledge. This is evident in the improved quality of their work. These strengths are apparent across many subjects, but not consistently so.
As systems develop, some teachers are getting to grips with how best to enable pupils to practise what they study and check that pupils have understood key information. This means in some subjects, pupils' knowledge is less developed and they do not yet achieve as well as they should.The school accurately identifies the needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), including those in the special educational needs (SEN) unit.
Staff make effective use of strategies identified in pupils' learning passports. Pupils with SEND access the same curriculum as their classmates.
The reading curriculum is well designed.
Pupils read each day. Staff are quick to spot pupils who have gaps in their reading knowledge. These pupils receive support to become more fluent, confident readers.
Leaders' effective work and a motivational rewards system are leading to improved attendance. While some pupils are absent too often, leaders are doing all they reasonably can to secure pupils' high attendance.
The school teaches pupils to foster an understanding of themselves and of others.
Pupils are considerate of different lifestyles and beliefs. They speak confidently about the importance of mutual respect. Their understanding is reflected in the positive manner in which many pupils conduct themselves in lessons and around the school.
Pupils learn the knowledge they need to make wise choices about their safety and well-being. They understand what makes for a healthy relationship and the signs that indicate an unhealthy one. Pupils also receive the guidance they need to make decisions about their future studies and careers.
Increasing numbers of pupils continue in education when they leave the school.
Trust and local governance are an important driver of the improvements evident in the school. Leaders seek and act on the views of parents and staff.
Leaders are considerate of staff workload and well-being. Staff are proud to work at Walker Riverside Academy.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• The school's work to amend the curriculum is ongoing in a few subjects. Where this is the case, the improvement in pupils' achievement is not as evident as in more developed curriculum areas. The school should continue its work to develop the curriculum in these areas.
• As systems develop, the implementation of the curriculum in some subjects is inconsistent. This means that some pupils do not develop such a firm grasp of important knowledge. The school should continue to support teachers to deliver the curriculum equally well in all subjects so that pupils' achievement continues to improve.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.