Wallop Primary School

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About Wallop Primary School

Name Wallop Primary School
Website http://www.wallop.hants.sch.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Christine Sexton
Address School Lane, Nether Wallop, Stockbridge, SO20 8EH
Phone Number 01264781216
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 149
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school Since the last inspection, the headteacher has led the school with a consistent focus on improvement. He has been ably supported by the deputy and the wider school team.

Parents, carers, governors and staff recognise how well the school currently provides for pupils' academic and personal development. Pupils achieve high standards in reading, writing and mathematics as a result of effective teaching. Leaders carefully track all pupils' progress, which allows any gaps in learning to be identified and quickly addressed.

The many service children who attend the school are helped to settle in quickly. They make friends and catch up on any lea...rning they may have missed due to their family's relocation. Service children and their parents say the school warmly welcomes them and understands their particular needs.

Pupils attend well and their conduct is orderly throughout the day. They value the friendly ethos that pervades the school. Pupils play and work cooperatively.

Parents say that their children feel safe in school. They say staff are approachable and leaders respond well to any concerns. Children in Reception get off to a good start as a result of the school's nurturing approach.

They have many opportunities to learn through play. The adults know each child very well and tailor teaching and learning to ensure that all children enjoy school and achieve well. Pupils rapidly develop the literacy skills that help them to be successful readers and writers.

From an early age, they enjoy reading and take pride in their efforts to write. They enjoy seeing their writing displayed around the school. There are some remaining inconsistencies in pupils' learning and progress when teaching is not matched closely enough to all pupils' needs.

Leaders are aware of this and have put actions in place to improve provision for these pupils. The wider curriculum is not well developed or well led in every subject. Although topics are interesting, the curriculum does not present pupils with enough rich opportunities to broaden their skills, knowledge and understanding.

Pupils, particularly in key stage 2, do not have enough opportunities to deepen their learning and reach high standards in all subjects.

Information about this school

The school is smaller than most other primary schools. The vast majority of pupils who attend the school are White British.

The school meets the current government floor standards. More than half of the pupils in the school have a parent in one of the two local regiments based at the neighbouring army air base. This results in a higher proportion of pupils moving in and out of the school at short notice than in most primary schools.

There are very few disadvantaged pupils in the school. The proportion of pupils who have SEN and/or disabilities is lower than in most primary schools. The school provides a breakfast club that is run by the governing body.

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