Wallsend Jubilee Primary School

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About Wallsend Jubilee Primary School

Name Wallsend Jubilee Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr David Harrison
Address Mullen Road, Wallsend, NE28 9HA
Phone Number 01918141601
Phase Primary
Type Foundation school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 384
Local Authority North Tyneside
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school. Pupils make good progress overall from their starting points, which are below those typical for their age. By the time they leave Year 6, standards are average.

Teaching is good. Pupils have good relationships with their teachers and enjoy school. They are attentive and responsive learners who are eager to please.

Teachers explain work clearly and pupils are encouraged to consider their work and how well they have achieved against their targets. This helps them to progress well. The school nurtures pupils very well.

It is calm and supportive especially for those pupils who find it more difficult to engage in learning. Pupils wit...h the resourced unit are supported by staff who understand their individual needs consequently they make good progress. Staff work successfully to keep pupils safe and happy.

Pupils feel very safe. They are happy, behave well and want to please their teachers. Parents support these views.

They say that staff care for their children well and concerns are addressed quickly and effectively. The school has moved forward considerably since the last inspection. The excellent teamwork of the headteacher and deputy headteacher, together with the work of senior leaders, has improved the quality of teaching and the outcomes for pupils.

There is a very good understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the school. Governors work closely and successfully with leaders to identify where improvements are needed and what needs to be done to achieve this. It is not yet an outstanding school because : Progress in mathematics is not as good as that in reading and writing.

Pupils' knowledge of basic mathematical skills is insecure, and teachers do not always challenge pupils at the appropriate level. There are insufficient opportunities to use mathematics meaningfully in other subjects. The roles of middle leaders are at varying levels of development.

There are too few opportunities for them to check the quality of teaching and outcomes for pupils. Checks are not made to ensure that, when pupils achieve targets in lessons, they are provided with additional challenge.

Information about this school

This is a larger than average-sized primary school.

The proportion of pupils eligible for the pupil premium, which provides additional funding for pupils known to be eligible for free school meals, those children in local authority care or those whose parent is in the armed forces, is average. The vast majority of pupils are of White British background. The proportion of pupils supported through school action, schools action plus or with a statement of special educational needs is below average.

A special unit for pupils with moderate learning difficulties provides for pupils drawn from a number of local schools. Currently seven pupils attend the unit, most of whom have a statement of special educational needs. The school meets the government's current floor standards, which are the minimum expectations for pupils' attainment and progress in English and mathematics at the end of Year 6.

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