Walton Leigh School

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About Walton Leigh School

Name Walton Leigh School
Website http://www.manor-mead.surrey.sch.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Executive Headteacher Mr Mark Bryant
Address Queen’s Road, Hersham, Walton-on-Thames, KT12 5AB
Phone Number 01932223243
Phase Special
Type Community special school
Age Range 11-19
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 86
Local Authority Surrey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is an outstanding school because: Teaching is always at least good and often outstanding. This ensures that pupils make outstanding progress. Teachers have an excellent knowledge of their pupils' abilities.

Their assessment of pupils' progress is a strength of the school and enables them to challenge the pupils to make the best progress they can. The sixth form is outstanding. The provision made for sixth formers, within mixed-age classes, enables them to progress as rapidly as their younger classmates.

Pupils, including those in the sixth form, make outstanding progress in early literacy and numeracy. Pupils are constantly encouraged to communicate with ...adults and other pupils, whether in speech or by the use of symbols and word-picture systems, enabling them to make rapid progress in learning letters, words and numbers. The pupils make excellent progress in their personal development.

The promotion of the pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is the foundation of the curriculum. The school is a happy, friendly and harmonious place of learning. The pupils behave extremely well.

They feel safe at school, as their parents confirm. Their attitudes to their learning are excellent and most pupils have high levels of attendance. This has a significant positive impact on their learning.

The headteacher leads an outstanding team of senior staff. Together, they rigorously monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of teaching and the pupils' progress and they inspire their staff to strive to help each pupil achieve as well as possible. Governors are exceptionally well informed about the progress of pupils and the standards of teaching.

They provide a very strong level of support and challenge to the school's leadership. Leaders and managers, including governors, have been very effective in sustaining and enhancing pupils' achievement and the quality of teaching.

Information about this school

The school provides for pupils with severe, profound, multiple and complex learning difficulties.

All the pupils have a statement of special educational needs. The number eligible for the pupil premium, awarded for pupils entitled to free school meals or in the care of the local authority is close to the national average. About one third of the pupils are girls.

The great majority of pupils are White British, with a minority from other ethnic groups, reflecting the make up of the local authority. A few pupils speak English as an additional language and there is a very small number who are in the care of the local authority. Pupils in the sixth form are taught within groups that cover the 14 to 19 age range.

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