Ward End Primary School

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About Ward End Primary School

Name Ward End Primary School
Website http://www.wardend.org.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Rachel Chahal
Address Ingleton Road, Birmingham, B8 2RA
Phone Number 01214645424
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 906
Local Authority Birmingham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Ward End Primary School is a school where every member of staff cares deeply for its pupils. Pupils arrive each day happily.

They feel safe in school because of the care shown to them and there is a strong sense of community. The school works exceptionally well to ensure there are positive partnerships between staff, parents and pupils. The school's cultural diversity is celebrated well.

This encourages pupils to show respect for each other and celebrate difference.

The school has high ambitions that all pupils achieve to the best of their ability. This includes pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

It also includes the hi...gh number of pupils who speak English as an additional language. The school supports these pupils exceptionally well so they can achieve the high expectations set by the school.

Pupils behave well at all points of the day.

They understand the importance of working hard. Pupils are not disrupted from learning because of the positive behaviour in lessons. This leads to a very calm and purposeful working environment.

Pupils and staff show high levels of respect for each other. They understand how they are expected to behave and rise very well to these high expectations.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has high ambitions that every pupil in the school reads well.

A new phonics programme has recently been introduced. Pupils read books closely matched to their phonics ability. Staff have been well trained to deliver this programme.

Pupils apply their phonics knowledge well to reading new and unfamiliar words and books. The school has successfully introduced a wide range of interesting and varied stories for pupils to enjoy. These have been carefully selected so pupils can identify with the characters.

They provide a 'window and a mirror' to the world pupils live in. This helps pupils to become confident readers.

Pupils work hard and show positive attitudes to learning.

There have been many changes to the curriculum in different subject areas. The school has thought carefully about how the planning in place supports the needs of pupils who speak English as an additional language. This starts in the early years, where there is a heavy focus on pupils developing language skills to support them with all areas of the curriculum.

This is beginning to impact positively on pupils' outcomes, particularly in the progress pupils make by the end of key stage 2. However, there are still some inconsistencies in how well curriculum planning is implemented and in how well pupils achieve all of the school's aims.

There is a huge sense of pride, ambition and aspiration for pupils with SEND.

They are well realised. The highly effective and dedicated team with responsibility for pupils with SEND do all they can to ensure all these pupils get the support that is right for them at the right time. This is a praiseworthy aspect of the school's work.

Pupils behave very well at all points of the day. They are polite and well mannered. Where the curriculum is implemented well, pupils show very good attitudes to learning and concentrate in lessons.

Older pupils support younger pupils at playtime. They relish the opportunity to support and mentor the youngest children in school.

There are many opportunities for pupils to take on leadership responsibilities.

School leaders listen to the views of pupils regularly. The suggestions pupils make help shape decisions that affect the whole school community. Opportunities for pupils to learn about different faiths and different cultures are wide and varied.

It helps the school in being a truly inclusive environment. Many visitors are invited to school to celebrate different jobs and careers of the future. This helps pupils develop ambitions for the future and raises aspirations.

The school is skilfully led with determination, ambition and a strong moral purpose. Governors understand their responsibilities very well. They play a vital role in setting the school's vision.

Staff work together very well towards achieving these aims. Lots of changes have been introduced which aim to further enhance an education and an experience for the pupils that is already leading to the successful place the school is. Staff and pupils are proud to be part of Ward End.

Parents appreciate the efforts to support the pupils. They also appreciate the support provided for them when difficulties arise.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The school has not ensured that the curriculum is consistently implemented in a way that supports pupils to know and remember more. This results in some pupils not achieving the desired outcomes of the intended curriculum. The school should ensure there is consistency in the implementation of curriculum plans across all subject areas and regularly monitor that this is as intended.

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