Warlingham Village Primary School

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About Warlingham Village Primary School

Name Warlingham Village Primary School
Website http://www.warlinghamvillage.org/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Anna Arnett (formally Hallett)
Address 85 Farleigh Road, Warlingham, CR6 9EJ
Phone Number 01883622747
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 210
Local Authority Surrey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils flourish in this nurturing happy school. From the time children start in the early years, they build compassionate and warm relationships with staff. Pupils throughout the school feel understood, safe and valued.

High expectations are the norm here. Most pupils achieve exceptionally well. Pupils are captivated by their learning.

Their behaviour in lessons is exemplary as they soak up the rich experiences and information expertly presented to them. Whether describing hidden numbers in Reception or how to make vacuum cleaners further up the school, pupils are excited to share their extensive and growing knowledge.

Pupils are rightly proud of their school....

They enjoy the wide range of clubs on offer, both after school and at lunchtimes. They are keen to take on roles such as house captains or school councillors, which they discharge with diligence and maturity. Pupils understand how important it is to have positive attitudes, work hard and be kind.

They relish spotting these behaviours in others, including adults, and rewarding these through the school 'blue button' system.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school's curriculum is ambitious and engaging. The essential knowledge and vocabulary pupils need to learn is clearly set out from Reception to Year 6.

Many pupils achieve highly in national assessments at the end of key stage 2. All pupils make strong progress through the curriculum during their time at school. Any pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) have these identified swiftly and supported well so everyone can be successful.

Staff take every opportunity to reinforce and extend learning for all pupils. For example, pupils explored the strength of structures by making small wooden models and testing them before applying this to making large shelters outside.

The school and the trust provide staff with high-quality training on how to teach the curriculum.

Staff are very positive about this and how well it supports both their professional knowledge and their workload.

Teachers have strong subject knowledge and teach with confidence. Teachers regularly check pupils' learning, recap key points and make appropriate adaptations to teaching, including for pupils with SEND.

They help pupils make strong links between what they have learned before and what they are learning next. For example, children making paper aeroplanes in Reception were prompted to remember how long the first flight was by the Wright brothers and see if their planes could travel for an equal amount of time.

Learning to read is rightly prioritised.

Pupils by the end of key stage 1 have an age-appropriate confidence and fluency in reading. Well-trained staff ensure any pupils who need more help are identified and given the support they need to keep up or catch up quickly. Books are carefully matched to the sounds pupils are learning so they experience success.

Pupils are enthusiastic readers. They can discuss authors, plots and characters with insight and maturity.The exceptionally well-organised learning environment aids the development of children's independence in early years.

Everything is on hand to help children explore, record their ideas and sustain their play. Adults support children's language development highly effectively, modelling questions and vocabulary children then use in their own play. Precise checks when children join early years mean that any early language needs are spotted and supported.

This helps everyone get off to a strong start and be well prepared for Year 1.

Pupils take great pride in demonstrating the highest standards of behaviour. Clear behaviour policies help ensure that everyone knows what is expected.

Pupils respond very well to this consistent approach. The school is a harmonious place in which to learn and play. Pupils are polite.

Mutual respect is evident across the school. Pupils attend school regularly. The school has worked in strong partnership with parents to ensure pupils' attendance has risen and is a high priority.

The school has ensured that an extensive well-balanced programme of personal development is in place across the school. Pupils develop their social skills and become confident, independent young people who are exceptionally well prepared to be successful in their lives beyond school. Pupils develop a deep understanding of equality, democracy and the importance of respect.

Pupils understand complex concepts such as integrity at both a personal and global level. They can articulate what this means to them in their lives. The school listens to pupils and parents and adapts provision to suit pupils' needs.

For example, moving some clubs to lunchtimes has helped more pupils to be involved.

Leaders in the school and trust know the school extremely well. Governors and trustees use their knowledge and skills to provide highly effective support and challenge to leaders.

Staff and governors are rightly proud to be part of this inspirational school. They work in close partnership to get pupils off to a great start to their education.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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