Warren Dell Primary School

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About Warren Dell Primary School

Name Warren Dell Primary School
Website http://www.warrendellprimary.co.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Lesley Brennan
Address Gosforth Lane, South Oxhey, Watford, WD19 7UZ
Phone Number 02084284571
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 262
Local Authority Hertfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils thrive at this vibrant school, where 'every day matters'. Older and younger pupils play together with kindness and enthusiasm. This helps to build a strong sense of community within the school.

Pupils know they belong here and they feel valued. They enjoy coming to school. This ethos helps to instil the high level of respect pupils show towards each other and staff.

Staff have incredibly high expectations for what pupils can achieve. Pupils rise to these expectations. They work hard in lessons to be the very best they can be.

Pupils benefit extensively from the rich and varied experiences the school carefully plans. These opportunities bring the curric...ulum to life. Trips to a synagogue, the beach, or cooking using eggs from the school chickens give pupils meaningful learning experiences.

From the moment children step through the door into the pre-school they live and breathe the values of the school. They quickly develop their positive attitudes to learning through the enticing early years curriculum.

Pupils are friendly and help each other to solve any issues.

They trust adults at this caring school to look out for them. Pupils feel very secure at Warren Dell.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has designed a curriculum that clearly sets out the knowledge pupils will learn.

It has carefully broken this knowledge down into a logical order. This enables pupils to make deep links with the previously learned, important content.

Staff are trained to identify how well pupils are learning the curriculum.

They skilfully use these checks to adapt their teaching. This means that pupils' misconceptions are quickly addressed and pupils progress well. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) benefit from this expertise.

The school carefully identifies the needs of pupils with SEND and puts in place the effective support they need. Extra adults, personal schedules and task boards are some of the ways pupils with SEND are helped to learn alongside their friends in class.

Reading is a high priority.

The school ensures that staff are trained to be experts in teaching phonics. Children in pre-school learn to identify different letter sounds. Staff then teach children how to blend these sounds to read new and unfamiliar words fluently.

The school is quick to spot pupils who need extra help with their reading. The ethos of 'every moment matters' drives specific and tailored support to help these pupils catch up quickly. Pupils enjoy reading books that are matched to the sounds they know.

They are inspired by reading rewards and the book vending machine to extend their reading diet.

The school and trust focus on providing high-quality early years provision. Knowledgeable staff know the children very well.

They tailor learning experiences so that children develop the skills and knowledge they need to prepare them well for key stage 1. Staff are experts at developing children's language and vocabulary. Opportunities to talk about their experiences and how these make them feel help children to develop high-quality language.

Children have many meaningful opportunities to be healthy and active outside as well as inside. For example, children benefit from playing on the trim trail and number hopscotch. Trusted adults are ready to entice all children to get going as they arrive.

Behaviour routines are very well established. Pupils are friendly and tolerant. They accept that everyone is different and deserving of respect.

They know how to be courteous and safe when online. During lessons, pupils handle setbacks as they think through stimulating challenges. They focus attentively and help each other.

In social times pupils solve difficulties as they happen. Therefore, breaktimes are harmonious.

The meticulous planning of the trust's pledge ensures 'every child will' experience opportunities to develop their talents and interests within and beyond the curriculum.

The school provides many clubs and trips which all pupils can access. The school carefully considers the social experiences which help pupils to flourish, such as ordering food at a restaurant. Substantial opportunities to lead ensure pupils contribute to school life, such as advising the headteacher about reading and play resources, or meeting their local Member of Parliament as representatives.

The democratic process which pupils experience as they develop new skills teaches them how to be active citizens.

The trust and school leaders share a passion to be highly inclusive. They are proactive in ensuring the school is resourced and has sufficient expertise.

Staff have opportunities to work across the trust and with each other, sharing excellent practice. This is not at the expense of workload or well-being. Strong systems for professional development translate into enthusiasm and expertise in class.

Knowledgeable governors and trustees add a balance of challenge and support. They carry out their duties with great care.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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