Warren Junior School

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About Warren Junior School

Name Warren Junior School
Website https://www.warrenjunior.co.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr J Bell
Address Gordon Road, Chadwell Heath, Romford, RM6 6DA
Phone Number 02082704680
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 7-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 557
Local Authority Barking and Dagenham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

This is a happy and kind place where all are welcomed. Pupils are highly motivated to learn and achieve their best in this nurturing school.

They thrive here. They know how their education and character development lead to a respectful culture where all pupils feel valued and safe. The well-being of others is the bedrock of the trusting relationships within the school.

Standards of behaviour are consistently high. Pupils are given the tools to demonstrate high levels of self-discipline and control. Leaders have created an environment that is positive and purposeful.

The school ensures that all pupils benefit from a highly coordinated approach to enriching the... curriculum. Pupils enjoy taking part in the extensive range of clubs, educational visits and wider opportunities provided. Pupils value the many events that enable them to share and celebrate different cultures, including Bollywood dancing and visits to places of worship.

Pupils learn the importance of values such as honesty and empathy. They know that as young leaders with responsibilities, such as well-being leaders and school councillors, they are role models to others. They carry out these duties with pride.

Pupils successfully represent the school in sporting competitions, including cricket, cross-country and ten-pin bowling.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has a well-sequenced and resourced curriculum that enables all pupils to succeed. Leaders ensure that there is a clear progression of knowledge and skills which are regularly revisited.

Curricular concepts and knowledge are explicitly defined in all subjects. This enables pupils to know and remember key knowledge in a coherent and systematic way. The school has carefully considered enrichment opportunities embedded in the curricular thinking, for all subjects.

Teachers have secure knowledge and understand how knowledge is precisely broken down into small parts and builds gradually as pupils move through the school. For instance, the progression in pupils' sketchbooks demonstrates that pupils explore textures and parts in art with increasing complexity. Pupils apply their mathematical understanding of concepts to a range of problem-solving contexts.

Questions are used in a small unit of work to reinforce the work carried out and apply their concepts in class. Staff present information clearly and provide explicit instructions, which enables pupils to know and understand what they are learning. Teaching is adapted to meet the individual needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities and celebrates their strengths.

As a result, all pupils flourish and achieve well. This can be seen in lessons and in pupils' work.

The school prioritises reading.

Staff are trained to consistently deliver the phonics programme when required. Pupils enjoy the many opportunities to explore texts in detail. Pupils learn to develop and apply skills such as inference and deduction to share their idea of the author's intent or to make predictions.

They use scanning and retrieval techniques to find quotes to support their explanations of the text to which they are exposed. Pupils become confident and fluent readers. The school helps parents to support their children with their reading at home.

Pupils' reading records show positive parental engagement.

Learning goes uninterrupted because pupils listen and concentrate well. They are keen and confident in talking about what they are learning.

They show enthusiasm and enjoyment during lessons. They are not afraid to make mistakes. Leaders are very thorough in their approach to attendance.

They build strong relationships with families in encouraging pupils' regular attendance to school.

Pupils' personal development is embedded in the curriculum. Leaders provide additional opportunities through weekly assemblies, educational visits and enrichment activities.

Pupils know that 'no one has the right to touch them without consent'. Pupils are taught a variety of acronyms to remember important knowledge. For example, pupils use 'DOSE' to recall important hormones, including dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, endorphin.

They know these hormones affect the way people feel. They refer to these as 'good drugs'. Pupils are taught important life skills to be successful citizens.

Parental engagement is strong because parents and carers enjoy learning alongside their children. Subject leadership is well developed and ensures there is a consistent approach to the delivery of the curriculum. Staff are empowered and trusted to fulfil their roles, share expertise and learn from each other.

Staff felt appreciated, valued and well-supported by leaders. They appreciate leaders' high focus on their well-being and delegation of responsibilities that prevents workloads becoming overloaded. Those responsible for governance are knowledgeable.

They are instrumental in shaping and realising the school's vision and aspirations. The school is determined in ensuring pupils are well prepared for the next stage of education.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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