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Leaders have built a positive, inclusive culture at Waterwells. The school's core values to be kind, honest, responsible and respectful are central to learning and pupils' personal development.
Staff model positive relationships and have high expectations of pupils. There is mutual respect between all members of the school community.
Pupils adhere to the school's core values and 'learning attitudes' to demonstrate good learning.
They work hard and try their best, taking pride in their work.
Pupils behave well, which means learning is rarely disrupted. They say bullying hardly ever happens.
If it does, pupils are confident that adults will de...al with it quickly and effectively. Pupils feel safe. They trust adults to listen to them if they have a worry.
Pupils develop a strong sense of citizenship. They are enthusiastic about how the changes to the school council mean that everyone's voice is heard. They feel empowered by their contributions to decision-making within the school.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have carefully designed the curriculum. The knowledge they want pupils to learn is well sequenced. Pupils progress through the curriculum knowing more and remembering more.
Subject leaders in mathematics and English regularly check the quality of teaching and the implementation of the curriculum. In these subjects, leaders support teachers to develop their subject knowledge. However, some subjects are more recently developed.
Where this is the case, teachers do not have the same strength of subject knowledge to deliver the curriculum as well as in mathematics and reading.
Leaders ensure that pupils learn to read well. Staff have secure knowledge of phonics.
This means that they are confident to teach pupils how to segment sounds and blend words. Teachers deliver phonics lessons in a consistent way. Pupils enjoy the wide range of high-quality texts they read.
They like choosing books to read for pleasure and listen with enjoyment to teachers reading stories to them.
Across the school pupils gain a strong understanding of number. This enables them to use and apply their number facts to solving problems and reasoning.
Teaching ensures that children in the early years have lots of opportunities to practise their mathematical understanding. This sets them up well for what comes next.
Leaders are ambitious for all pupils, including those who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
Leaders and teachers identify pupils' needs and barriers to learning accurately. For example, leaders provide detailed information about gaps that need closing for pupils with SEND. However, sometimes teachers do not use the information well to help pupils with SEND to keep up or catch up.
The school provides lots of experiences to help pupils to develop personally. Leaders have made sure there is a well-thought-out programme over the school year. Pupils learn about personal relationships and how these can be positive or negative.
They know how their bodies change as they get older and how to live healthy lifestyles. Diversity is celebrated at the school. Pupils have a good understanding of discrimination and learn how to respect different faiths and cultures.
They are well prepared for life in modern Britain.
The trust and governors know the school well. They provide effective challenge and support.
Governors receive accurate information from leaders which helps them to carry out their roles successfully. Staff find the collaborative working with other trust schools helpful. They appreciate leaders' support to manage workload.
Staff are proud to work at the school.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders ensure a culture of vigilance in keeping pupils safe.
They prioritise training. This means all staff have a secure understanding of how to report and record any concerns. This enables leaders to act swiftly where required.
Leaders work well with external agencies to get the right help at the right time for pupils and families.
Leaders complete all relevant checks before staff are employed. Governors have a good oversight of safeguarding policy and procedures.
Pupils say they feel safe. They learn about ways to stay safe, including when they are using the internet.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• Some subject curriculums are relatively new.
The delivery of these subjects is less secure than English and mathematics. Leaders must ensure teachers have the requisite subject knowledge and pedagogical understanding to implement all subject curriculums well. ? There is variability in the provision for some pupils with SEND.
Teachers do not consistently use information about pupils' needs to adapt the curriculum effectively. This means some pupils with SEND do not learn as well as they could. Leaders need to ensure that all teaching helps all pupils with SEND learn consistently well.