Welling School

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About Welling School

Name Welling School
Website http://www.wellingschool-tkat.org/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Brian Griffen
Address Elsa Road, Welling, DA16 1LB
Phone Number 02083048531
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1145
Local Authority Bexley
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Typically, pupils are happy at school. Older pupils speak about how the school has changed for the better.

Improved behaviour around the building means that pupils feel safe. There is little bullying and name calling. On the rare occasion that it happens, pupils are confident about how to report it.

They are sure that staff will take prompt action to resolve any problems. Pupils trust staff at the school. They know that staff care about them.

Leaders have clear oversight of behaviour, providing a good balance of rewards and sanctions. Pupils enjoy earning rewards that can lead to 'golden tickets' and outings. Pupils know and understand their school values..../>
Increasingly, they are staying after school to take part in extra-curricular clubs. Pupils enjoy having a say in the way the school runs. Their views have led to more subjects being offered.

Staff have increasingly high expectations of pupils' behaviour and achievement. However, these expectations are not realised consistently through teaching. This impacts on pupils' ability to recall their learning securely across many subjects.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders provide a broad and ambitious curriculum. Leaders keep the curriculum under constant review. This year they added physical education and business GCSEs alongside vocational qualifications.

The sixth-form offer is also broad and inclusive.

Typically, subject leaders have given thought to the planning and sequencing of the curriculum. In most cases, they plan a curriculum that revisits the important knowledge pupils need.

This builds in a step-by-step way. For example, teachers introduce Year 7 pupils to the elements of music. Pupils explore these in more detail through blues music in Year 8 and popular song in Year 9.

Leaders identify the needs of pupils well, including by working with external agencies. They provide personalised support to pupils with SEND, particularly for literacy and numeracy.

In most cases, teachers present new content clearly.

They ensure that pupils with SEND can access the intended curriculum. However, teaching does not systematically check that pupils in Years 7 to 11 have understood content securely. This means that pupils do not recall their learning in enough detail.

Teaching moves on too quickly. Consequently, gaps in pupils' knowledge get bigger. In the sixth form, teachers use questioning skilfully.

They encourage students to make connections to previous learning. Teachers in the sixth form check carefully that pupils have understood subject-specific vocabulary. However, there is not a shared approach to the teaching of vocabulary in Years 7 to 11.

Pupils' experiences of teaching in the school are still too variable. This impacts on the behaviour and attitudes to learning of a small number of pupils. They lose focus when teachers do not present information and check understanding well enough.

Leaders have ensured that pupils' attendance at school is much improved. The school is using a range of effective strategies to work with pupils who are not regularly at school.

Leaders have a well-planned approach to reading.

It includes phonics support to help pupils develop their reading fluency. Pupils choose books from the library that match their reading age. Leaders are developing a culture of reading in school.

Pupils are beginning to enjoy reading for pleasure.

Leaders have ambitious plans for pupils' personal development. They are well on the way to implementing these plans.

Staff have ensured that all pupils understand the range of academic and vocational options open to them when they leave school. This includes bespoke support for pupils with SEND. Pupils benefit from the well-planned personal, social and health education curriculum.

Over time, leaders intend for all pupils to complete the 'Welling Pledge'. This consists of 12 opportunities for social and cultural development. It includes residential activities, trips and visits.

There are over 40 clubs on offer each week, including a breakfast club for all pupils. Currently, not enough pupils take up this offer. Sixth-form students run the school leadership group, which reports to leaders regularly.

They also coordinate charity initiatives. In consultation with pupils, sixth-form students are raising money to support a local hospice.

Leaders have all but eradicated disruptive behaviour within a short space of time.

They have built a culture based on positive working relationships between staff and pupils. The trust continues to work closely with the school. It is prioritising training for teachers to develop their confidence in the planning and delivery of the curriculum.

Staff enjoy working at the school. They report that workload can be heavy on occasion due to the rapid pace of change.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In Years 7 to 11, teaching does not use formative assessment well to support the delivery of the curriculum. This means that pupils' misconceptions are not typically addressed with consistent rigour and accuracy. The school should provide further training for staff to ensure that approaches to checking pupils' learning are used consistently and purposefully in all subjects.

• Many pupils do not participate regularly in the range of clubs and enrichment opportunities available to them. The school should do more to encourage pupils' take up of these opportunities. This will enhance their wider development above and beyond their learning in class.

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