West Ashton Church of England Primary School

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About West Ashton Church of England Primary School

Name West Ashton Church of England Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Miss Alex Thwaite
Address 29 Bratton Road, West Ashton, Trowbridge, BA14 6AZ
Phone Number 01225754354
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 77
Local Authority Wiltshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils aspire to demonstrate the school vision, to 'shine among them like stars', in all that they do.

Pupils are polite, kind and well mannered. Adults know the pupils and their families well. Relationships between adults and pupils are warm and positive.

As a result, pupils are happy and feel safe.

The school, supported by the trust, is relentless in its drive to provide a high-quality education. Pupils experience a broad and balanced curriculum.

They can recall key concepts in geography, for example, which helps them to 'think like a geographer.'

Adults have high expectations for pupils' behaviour. Pupils are respectful towards adults an...d each other.

They have positive attitudes to learning and are keen to contribute to class discussions. Pupils understand the importance of inclusion. They say there is never any form of discrimination.

Pupils are adamant that they are all treated fairly and as an equal.

Pupils enjoy opportunities to develop leadership roles. School librarians and house captains are proud of the positions of responsibility they have.

Youth parliament and school parliament representatives are democratically voted. This supports pupils' understanding about the importance of fundamental British values.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has designed an ambitious curriculum.

This begins in Nursery, where there is a strong focus on developing communication and language. The school has set out what it wants pupils to learn. Teachers know what to teach and when.

This supports pupils to build their knowledge well. For example, older pupils use their knowledge of multiplication facts to convert fractions with different denominators so that they can add them.

In some areas of the curriculum, pupils' misconceptions are not swiftly addressed.

This means there are gaps in what pupils know and remember. For example, in a recent design and technology (DT) project, pupils made a healthy tartlet with seasonal vegetables and fruit. However, pupils struggle to recall fruits and vegetables that grow during the different times of the year.

Work in pupils' books reflect the intended curriculum. However, the presentation of their work does not always reflect the ambition. The school has started to address this.

Children develop a love of reading. This begins in Nursery, where children learn stories by heart. Children in early years re-enact the stories they know through role play.

For example, children hid from the 'big bad wolf' in the house they made for 'the three little pigs' while retelling the story to each other. This supports the development of their storytelling language. Children learn to read as soon as they start in Reception.

Staff are well trained to deliver an effective phonics programme that supports pupils to learn to read well. Pupils who need additional help receive the support they need. The books pupils read match the sounds they know.

This helps them to develop confidence as a reader. All pupils say they enjoy the daily story time. They talk positively about their favourite authors.

Pupils enjoy selecting books from the school library.

The school is fully inclusive. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are carefully considered when learning is designed.

Pupils who struggle to manage their behaviour are supported effectively by adults so that it does not impact on other pupils.

Pupils learn about the importance of respect and safe relationships. Their behaviour during lessons and social times reflects this.

Pupils learn about the dangers of gangs and that some choices can have negative consequences. Pupils can articulate the risks involved when using the internet or social media. They know how to report a concern to an adult.

The curriculum supports pupils to be well prepared for life beyond West Ashton. Pupils enjoy learning about other faiths and cultures.

The school provides many opportunities for pupils to develop spiritually and morally.

Pupils say that they would stand up to racism. They talk about the time they get to reflect and appreciate the world around them and the 'good things in their life.' Pupils say that growing spiritually is about how they become an individual.

Trustees and the academy council hold the school to account well. There is a multi-faceted approach to gathering information, which allows them to challenge the school. Staff appreciate the school's consideration of their well-being.

They value the training and time allocated to their development as teachers and subject leaders.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some subjects, assessment is not used effectively.

This means that pupils have gaps in what they know and can do. This makes is difficult for pupils to build their knowledge. The trust needs to ensure that assessment is used to check pupils' knowledge and adapt learning so that pupils build on what they know, and any gaps are addressed.

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