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Pupils enjoy their time at this school. They are enthusiastic about their lessons and attend regularly.
The curriculum covers a wide range of subjects, which are accessible to all pupils. Leaders set high expectations, particularly in reading. As a result, pupils become fluent readers.
Pupils' engagement in reading is supported by weekly visits from the 'reading' dog, Oakley.
Almost all pupils demonstrate consistently positive attitudes to their behaviour and their learning. They set high standards for themselves.
These live up to the school's core values of 'kindness, aspiration, community and dignity'.
Pupils are encouraged to take on diff...erent responsibilities, for example as worship leaders or as ambassadors. They learn to make choices, such as supporting a local charity to protect cats.
Pupils are very articulate and are keen to share their opinions. At the same time, they listen to, and respect the views of others.
Pupils are kept safe in school and learn to keep themselves safe, particularly through the school's extensive personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education programme.
In surveys, pupils, parents and carers confirm that incidents of bullying are rare. When pupils are worried about anything, they are confident to speak to any adult in the school.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
An ambitious planned curriculum ensures that pupils have access to a full range of subjects.
The curriculum sets out clearly what they want pupils to learn and how they will check if this has been achieved. They have advanced this work well in many subjects, including in English and mathematics, but also in others, including religious education and PSHE. However, checks made of pupils' learning are less well developed in a few subjects, such as design and technology.
Leaders plan successfully for pupils to have 'meaningful experiences'. Local area links bring the curriculum to life. For example, in early years, a farmer brought his tractor to school to engage children.
The school's own phonics scheme enables pupils to learn to read fluently. This starts right from when pupils join in Nursery and Reception. Leaders have ensured that books are well matched to the letters and sounds that readers know.
Staff are trained well to support pupils, including those who initially struggle to read. This helps pupils to read with increasing confidence. Leaders promote a love of reading throughout the school.
Pupils enjoy reading for work and pleasure.
In mathematics, the curriculum sets out what pupils need to learn in a way that enables them to revisit themes in greater depth or to recap learning. Additional time allocated to the subject allows pupils to extend their learning with frequent practice, for example through 'fluency in five' first thing every morning.
In Reception, children make rapid gains in their understanding of 'number bonds' to count in tens and units.
Where there are split year groups across two classes, not all pupils have the same curriculum experiences or in as much depth as others. Examples of this include 'The Romans' in history or 'Earth and Space' in science.
Leaders have begun to address this by setting the same learning objectives in each year group. However, they recognise that there is more to do to plug gaps they have identified.
Leaders have successfully put in place effective provision for music, with support from the local authority's specialist service.
However, opportunities for pupils to learn a musical instrument are more limited than before the COVID-19 pandemic began.
Leaders have suitably adapted the curriculum in each subject to ensure that pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities can fully access their learning. Highly skilled staff ensure that they identify and meet individual needs.
Pupils set high behaviour standards for themselves and others. They understand the consequences of poor behaviour. Pupils attend school regularly.
Responses from parents were overwhelmingly positive about behaviour in school.
Pupils know how to keep themselves healthy. They take advantage of a number of sporting opportunities on offer.
They learn about different types of relationships from early years onwards in an age-appropriate way. Leaders promote what they term 'universal' values well. Pupils can nominate and vote for their peers to be ambassadors.
They demonstrate respect for those who are different or hold an alternative opinion. They keenly support community projects for older and vulnerable local residents.
Leaders are very mindful of the workload pressures on staff.
They have fully taken this into account. It is much appreciated by staff.
Governors know the school's strengths and areas for development well.
They are very well informed and ask challenging questions.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders and staff know how to look for signs of risk.
Consequently, pupils are identified quickly and receive early help as necessary. The school works well with external partners supporting children and families where appropriate. Staff know to report and record any incident, however small, as it may be 'the vital piece of the jigsaw'.
Policies and procedures are in place to ensure the safe recruitment of staff and, if necessary, to respond to allegations.
Pupils are taught to keep themselves safe, for example online or when swimming. They know to report any incidents of unwanted harassment from other pupils.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• Where there are split year groups, some pupils do not receive the same curriculum content as others, or not in as much depth. As a result, there are a few gaps in some pupils' experiences and learning. Leaders have identified these and put measures in place through shared objectives, but this needs to be more systematic to ensure that planned learning is covered for all pupils.
• Although assessment systems are well established in many subjects, there are a few where this is not the case. This means that in some subjects, teachers do not have a clear enough understanding of what pupils have learned. Leaders should ensure that effective assessment procedures are consistently implemented in every subject.
• As a result of the pandemic, most clubs and wider activities stopped. This meant that pupils were missing out on wider enrichment opportunities. These have started again, especially in sport, but leaders should do more to promote pupils' learning of musical instruments.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.