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This is a good school The headteacher, leadership team, staff and governors have worked hard to improve the school.
Pupils achieve well and make good progress. Teachers make lessons interesting, which motivates pupils to want to do well. The Nursery and Reception classes give children a good start to their education.
They settle quickly and learn to work and play together well. Disadvantaged pupils, pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities and pupils who speak English as an additional language make good progress because they are given the right support. Teaching is good because teachers are given good training and support to help them to i...mprove their skills.
Pupils feel safe and behave well, because they know what is expected of them. They are well cared for. Pupils learn to take responsibility for their own actions and to respect each other.
The school's ethos and values reflect British values. The school strongly promotes pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Surveys of parents' opinions show that they think that the school gives their children a good education.
The governors provide a good balance of challenge and support. They know the school well and know what it needs to do to continue to improve. It is not yet an outstanding school because : Progress in mathematics is not as good as progress in reading and writing, particularly in key stage 2.
Teachers' expectations for the presentation of work and pupils' response to marking are not always consistently in line with school policy. Work in subjects such as history and geography does not give pupils opportunities to practise their literacy and numeracy skills.
Information about this school
The school is slightly larger than average-sized primary school.
It is a voluntary controlled Church of England school in the Diocese of Chelmsford. Children attend the Nursery part time for either a morning or afternoon session. From the Reception class onwards, they attend full time.
The proportion of pupils entitled to additional support through the pupil premium is high. This is additional funding for children looked after, those eligible for free school meals and the children of service families. Most pupils are from a wide range of minority ethnic backgrounds.
The largest single groups are from Black African backgrounds. Most pupils speak English as an additional language. The proportion of pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities is below the national average.
The school meets the government's current floor standards, which set the minimum expectations for pupils' attainment and progress. The school website meets statutory requirements. Since the previous inspection, a middle leadership team of phase and subject leaders has been created.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.