West Hill School

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About West Hill School

Name West Hill School
Website http://www.westhillschool.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Miss Abigail Slade
Address Kingston Road, Leatherhead, KT22 7PW
Phone Number 01372814714
Phase Academy (special)
Type Academy special converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 149
Local Authority Surrey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils flourish in this exceptional and supportive school community.

They benefit from the nurturing and warm relationships they have with staff. Pupils trust the adults they work with because of these relationships. They feel safe to explore and learn in the calm and inclusive environment that staff create for them.

Pupils are enthusiastic and inquisitive. The highly bespoke support that staff provide helps pupils to be resilient and independent learners.

A sense of ambition pervades the school.

Pupils have the support they need to achieve their best. Their personal development is at the heart of everything that takes place at school. Pupils learn h...ow to be positive members of the school and local community.

They value and are proud of the leadership roles they have in their classrooms. Pupils know the importance of being kind and respectful and they celebrate each other when they show these values.

Pupils' behaviour is extremely good in lessons and at breaktimes.

On the rare occasions when pupils find it hard to regulate their emotions, staff support them with sensitivity and skill. Pupils recognise the high expectations that staff have for them. They rise to these in their work and behaviour.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have an unwavering commitment to provide the very best education so that all pupils will achieve their potential. They have securely put in place an innovative and well-sequenced curriculum. In Reception, teachers spark the curiosity of children through activities that are very well planned.

Staff in Reception teach children the knowledge they will need to be ready to learn as they move through the school. Children learn about number and early mathematical concepts. They also start to learn the letters and sounds they need to be able to read.

Teachers plan enriching activities within Reception that develop children's love of learning.

Staff have expert knowledge of the subjects they teach and of special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). They make skilful changes to lesson activities to ensure they meet the varied needs of pupils.

Learning is carefully adapted for all pupils. Teachers use the precise knowledge set out in the curriculum to ensure lessons are accessible and ambitious for all. As a result, pupils achieve exceptionally well.

Leaders have ensured that reading is fundamental at West Hill School. All staff have received high-quality training and are expert teachers of phonics. Teachers accurately assess pupils' phonics knowledge to spot when they need extra support.

They use assessment information to put in place highly effective extra activities. Consequently, pupils learn to read very well. There is an obvious love of reading in this school.

From Reception onwards, teachers share stories, rhymes and songs that inspire pupils to learn new words and read.Leaders are dedicated in their efforts to ensure all pupils succeed, both personally and academically. The SEND and well-being team designs bespoke therapeutic packages of support.

Termly targets are extremely well written and specific. They are broken into small and ambitious steps to help pupils to meet the outcomes in their education, health and care plans.

Leaders have the highest expectations for behaviour in the school.

Staff are exceptionally well trained to support pupils with their behaviour. They create the optimum sensory and therapeutic environment that helps pupils to feel calm and focused. From Reception onwards, staff expertly teach pupils rules and routines.

Pupils move around the school and between activities with thoughtfulness for others.

Leaders' planning for pupils' personal development is excellent. All pupils take part in a rich programme of activities.

This includes life-skills sessions in the community, sports and music clubs and residential opportunities. In addition, staff have created the West Hill '50 things to achieve' programme. It contains enriching activities to give pupils the experiences they need to be ready for life beyond school, for example 'make something we can eat ourselves' or 'visit and use a recycling bank'.

From Reception onwards, pupils learn what difference means. As they move through the school, they learn about various types of cultures and ways of living. They know that people have different views and they are respectful of this.

Governors and trustees are highly knowledgeable and experienced. They provide impactful support and challenge at all levels to ensure leadership is effective. Leaders have created a cohesive and common purpose for all staff in the school.

Staff are very motivated and feel incredibly valued in the work they do. Leaders have built collaborative partnerships with parents. They actively seek parents' views to ensure the best possible provision is in place for all pupils.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Safeguarding is a high priority in the school. Staff are well trained to be alert to signs that a pupil may be at risk.

They take swift action to share any concerns with leaders. Leaders show tenacity when dealing with safeguarding situations. They work well with external agencies to get the right support in place for pupils and their families.

Leaders make appropriate checks on all adults who work at the school. Record-keeping is robust and shows the effective actions that leaders take to keep pupils safe. Through the curriculum, pupils learn how to keep themselves safe, including when online.

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