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Pupils at this school live out the school's values of 'ready, respectful, safe'. They benefit from many opportunities to embody these values. Pupils of all ages are happy and welcoming to visitors.
They develop positive relationships with adults in school and with each other. Pupils from a wide range of backgrounds learn together in harmony.
The school has high expectations of pupils' achievement.
Many pupils achieve well. This includes those who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and pupils who speak English as an additional language. Where pupils' achievement does not meet expectations, well-trained staff put effective support in plac...e.
The atmosphere in school is calm and purposeful. Pupils' behaviour is not a barrier to learning. If pupils struggle with their behaviour from time to time, the school takes sensitive and appropriate action to address this.
Pupils show consideration and care for others. They are safe in school. Parents and carers agree.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
There is real ambition at West Newcastle Academy. From children's first days in early years, talented staff support children through a detailed curriculum. The curriculum is explicitly developed to take account of children's prior knowledge.
Staff use communication, language and vocabulary with precision. Children who speak English as an additional language particularly benefit from this provision. Children develop their knowledge and skills through exciting and engaging activities.
Well-trained staff deliver the school's phonics programme with fidelity. Over time, pupils develop their phonics knowledge. They become increasingly fluent readers.
Staff make checks on pupils' phonics knowledge to pinpoint gaps in knowledge. They put effective support in place to close these gaps. As a result, pupils quickly catch up.
However, published phonics outcomes for 2024 were well below national figures. These phonics outcomes do not reflect the quality of the school's phonics teaching, or pupils' attainment from their starting points.
Pupils enjoy memorable learning experiences in other curriculum areas.
Pupils with SEND have their needs identified quickly. Effective provision and support allow these pupils to achieve and succeed. Lessons enable pupils to develop a broad base of knowledge.
They then apply this knowledge in their learning. For example, pupils confidently discuss the properties of pentagons and hexagons. They then use this knowledge to solve mathematical problems based on shape.
Younger pupils enjoyed their walk in the local area. They can recall key points in their journey and use satellite imagery to help embed their understanding of place. However, processes for checking pupils' long-term understanding of what they have learned are not sufficiently robust.
This means that some gaps in knowledge are not consistently identified and addressed.
The school has developed a quality curriculum to engage and enthuse pupils. However, too many pupils miss out on the rich experiences the school offers due to absence.
Procedures to follow up on absence are robust. The school takes action to address absence. However, while this is having a positive impact in some cases, this is not consistent.
The proportion of pupils who are absent or persistently absent is high. Behaviour across school is positive. Pupils demonstrate respect for themselves and others.
Expectations are high. Routines are well embedded.
There is a clear, well-considered and effective programme for pupils' wider development.
Caring staff support pupils' pastoral needs well. The extensive programme of outdoor and community learning allows pupils to develop resilience, self-belief and self-confidence. This prepares them well for life beyond school.
Pupils develop a keen understanding of equality. They celebrate diversity. Spiritual, moral, social and cultural education ensures that pupils appreciate and understand a range of religions and beliefs.
There is a wide range of clubs available to pupils. Many take up these opportunities.
Those responsible for management fulfil their roles with diligence.
The school arranges effective professional development for new staff. Leaders engage well with staff around their workload and well-being. Many parents compliment the school highly on its engagement with them.
There is a tangible focus on doing the best for all children. The vision of 'every child is at the heart of all we do' is evident throughout the school.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• Checks on learning in some subjects are not being used to understand pupils' long-term retention of skills and knowledge. This means that gaps in pupils' knowledge are not always identified and addressed. The school should refine its approach to checking pupils' long-term learning so that it is more robust.
• The proportion of pupils who are absent or persistently absent from school is high. This means that these pupils regularly miss important learning and struggle to catch up. The school should continue to engage with parents to reduce the proportion of pupils who are absent from school.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.