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Pupils who spoke to us told us that they like their school.
One said, 'This school is amazing. We learn more things every day.' The parents who spoke to us were full of praise for the school.
They feel that leaders, teachers and staff make it a happy, safe place for pupils to learn.
Leaders and staff have high expectations of pupils. They want all pupils to succeed.
The relationships between adults and pupils are strong. Classrooms are busy places where pupils work hard. Pupils know that this is what their teachers expect of them.
Pupils at West Street have wonderful opportunities to develop personally. No one is excluded from these opportun...ities. Pupils take part in festivals and performances, sports competitions and community events.
Pupils can even apply for 'jobs' and get paid. These experiences help them to prepare for future life.
Behaviour at the school is good.
Leaders and staff support pupils who need extra help to manage their behaviour. This helps everyone to get on with their learning.
Pupils know what bullying is.
They know that nobody tolerates it at this school. They say that if it ever did happen, their teachers would put a stop to it.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have high aspirations for all pupils, including disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
They have established a strong curriculum with a broad range of subjects. Teachers know what pupils need to learn in each year group, across the curriculum. This helps them to plan lessons that build up pupils' knowledge in a logical order.
Subject leaders make sure that teachers have the expertise they need to teach their subjects well. Teachers use this expertise to check that pupils have understood new learning.
The curriculum in the early years is well thought out.
Leaders concentrate on improving children's knowledge of language and mathematics. Most children progress well through the curriculum. They achieve a good level of development by the time they leave the Reception Year.
The range of SEND in the school is wide. Whatever their needs, this group of pupils receives very effective support. Sometimes, pupils spend part of their time in the school's nurture classes, 'Fireworks' or 'Sparkle Room'.
This enables teachers to plan very specific learning to meet pupils' needs. Pupils with SEND across the school achieve as well as they can.
Reading is top priority at West Street.
Leaders noticed that, in recent years, some pupils, especially boys, did not do well at reading. This also stopped them from writing well. Leaders have improved the reading curriculum.
Pupils develop a real love of reading through a wide range of books. Pupils who spoke with us said that their reading is helping them to be better writers. For example, they now use more interesting words in their writing.
Young children begin to learn about phonics in the Nursery class. Teachers know exactly what children should be achieving in phonics as they move towards Year 1. This helps them to provide strong support for anybody who struggles.
Very occasionally, the learning environment does not support children well in phonics. When this happens, they struggle to hear their teachers clearly or to write comfortably.
Pupils enjoy physical education (PE).
Teachers make sure that pupils keep building up their knowledge over time. Pupils achieve well in this subject.
Pupils told us that they enjoy science.
They are able to understand and use correct scientific vocabulary. For example, pupils use scientific words to explain how to make electrical circuits, or how to plan an experiment. Pupils can remember earlier learning, because they learn science topics in a logical order.
Governors ask leaders challenging questions about pupils' achievements in reading, writing and mathematics. This helps them to hold leaders to account for their work. Governors ask fewer questions about other subjects.
They know less about pupils' achievements in these subjects as a result.
Pupils are polite and respectful in school. They move around school calmly and settle down well to their lessons.
Their attendance at school has improved and is close to the national average.Leaders provide pupils with a broad range of excellent experiences outside the classroom. These help pupils to develop the skills and attitudes that they will need when they leave school.
For example, pupils apply for jobs within school by writing formal letters to teachers and taking part in interviews. Pupils understand a range of faiths and cultures. They are extremely well prepared for life in modern Britain.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders have put clear procedures in place for staff to report any concerns they have about pupils' welfare. Staff understand these procedures and follow them consistently.
Leaders, staff and governors undertake a range of safeguarding training. This helps them to stay alert and to recognise when pupils are at risk of harm. Leaders have effective partnerships with different agencies outside school.
This helps them to get support for children and families if they need it.
Governors and leaders make sure that they recruit staff safely. They carry out all the required checks on anyone who works at the school.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
Occasionally, in phonics in the early years, the learning environment prevents children from concentrating and listening well, or from adopting a comfortable position in which to practise writing. This hinders them from learning as much as they can about phonics and improving their ability at letter formation. Leaders now need to improve the learning environment further so that it contributes consistently well to children's development in phonics.
. Governors have a good understanding of the rationale for the school's curriculum. They ask leaders searching questions about the impact of the curriculum on reading, writing and mathematics.
They are less knowledgeable about the impact of the curriculum on pupils' achievements in other subjects. This means they do not challenge leaders as effectively as they should. Governors now need to develop more detailed knowledge about the achievement in all subjects of all pupils, including disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND, in order to hold leaders more strongly to account for the effectiveness of the whole curriculum.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.