Weston Park Primary School

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About Weston Park Primary School

Name Weston Park Primary School
Website http://www.westonparkprimary.org.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Acting Headteacher Mrs Katie Coombes
Address Denton Road, Hornsey, London, N8 9WP
Phone Number 02083475000
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 222
Local Authority Haringey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils, along with and parents and carers, are extremely proud of their school.

Pupils try hard to live up to the school values, including those of equality, respect and responsibility. Pupils, and children in the early years, are happy at school and cannot wait to start each day. Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), are enthusiastic to learn.

The school has high expectations for all pupils. The exciting curriculum, together with effective and knowledgeable teaching, ensures that pupils achieve exceptionally well.

Pupils take every opportunity to learn something new.

They benefit from a rich range of educ...ational opportunities, including gallery, theatre and local landmark visits. The school provides pupils with a wide variety of clubs. Many activities support the use of books, developing a love of reading and regular use of the high-quality library.

Pupils are role models and ambassadors for themselves and the school. They care for each other, concentrate in lessons, and celebrate each other's individual differences. Behaviour is exemplary around school and in lessons.

There is a calm and orderly atmosphere that enables all pupils to concentrate and learn extremely well. Pupils are well prepared for the next stage in their education.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has developed an extremely ambitious curriculum.

Leaders have carefully planned out the knowledge that pupils will learn from the early years to Year 6. They have ensured that teachers know exactly what pupils should learn and when. It enables pupils to learn a deep and comprehensive knowledge across a broad range of subjects.

Teachers build on pupils' prior learning. They revisit the important content pupils need to remember. An example of this is how pupils learned about climate change in science, before then applying this knowledge in art.

This resulted in colourful and informative post cards being presented at the COP28 conference.

Staff have expert subject knowledge. They skilfully identify any misconceptions pupils may have.

Teachers use the assessment systems well to identify any gaps in pupils' knowledge. They adapt future learning to meet pupils' needs, especially those with SEND. In early years, staff consistently promote new vocabulary in conversations with children.

They know individual children exceptionally well, which allows them to provide highly effective individualised support.

There is a strong culture of reading across the school. It is central to all subject learning.

Vocabulary development and access to high-quality texts starts in the Nursery. For example, children happily discussed the 'Three Billy Goats Gruff' story and then built the bridge and challenged each other to cross it. Older pupils speak confidently about the authors they like and the many books they enjoy reading.

Books are carefully chosen to promote inclusivity and diversity. The school expertly checks that pupils keep up with the phonics programme. Staff support pupils to catch up quickly if they fall behind.

As a result, pupils become confident and fluent readers.

The school has highly effective systems to identify the needs of pupils with SEND. Staff work closely with parents and external agencies to secure appropriate support for pupils.

The school has developed highly effective adaptions to the curriculum, coupled with skilful interventions from staff. This ensures that all pupils with SEND can access the curriculum successfully. Staff enable pupils with SEND to develop their independence.

The school ensures that pupils with SEND are fully involved in the life of the school. This includes sports teams and cultural visits.

Pupils can learn without distraction.

They are respectful, polite, and friendly. Behaviour is exceptional. Children settle rapidly into the early years provision.

Well-established routines ensure children develop excellent levels of independence and autonomy. For example, they organise building projects and help each other to put on complex costumes for role play activities. Pupils are eager to take on leadership roles and share with adults any ideas for developing the school, for example the improvements to the playground and charity fundraising.

Pupils know how to make a positive contribution to the community. The school makes sure it has robust systems to promote pupils' high rates of attendance.

The school continually promotes the development of pupils' characters and an understanding of fundamental British values.

Older pupils are role models to younger children. The school maximises opportunities for pupils to learn about people's differences, other faiths, and cultures. Pupils are taught how to keep safe online and look after their physical and mental health.

The school ensures that all pupils benefit from a culturally rich array of clubs and educational visits.

Governors know their roles and responsibilities well. They provide highly effective challenge and support to the school, supported by the local authority.

This includes effective oversight of the quality of the curriculum, safeguarding and meeting their equalities responsibilities. Staff know that their well-being and workload are considered.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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