Westover Primary School

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About Westover Primary School

Name Westover Primary School
Website http://www.westoverprimary.co.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Joanne Dorricott
Address Westover Road, Portsmouth, PO3 6NS
Phone Number 02392660178
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 220
Local Authority Portsmouth
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils enjoy coming to this friendly, welcoming and caring school. They are happy and they feel safe and well cared for.

Staff and pupils treat each other with respect. There is a strong sense of teamwork all round. Although bullying is rare, pupils are rightly confident that staff sort it out immediately.

The school's values, which include, kindness, resilience, curiosity and creativity, flow through all areas of everyday life. One pupil shared, 'You should believe in yourself and never give up!'

Pupils thrive at Westover. Leaders have high expectations of what pupils can achieve.

This includes pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilit...ies (SEND). Pupils, including children in early years, are absorbed in their learning. They strive to 'earn rewards' for working hard and behaving well.

Pupils try their best and look out for each other. They take pride in the leadership roles and responsibilities they have. For instance, pupils have roles as playtime leaders, library leaders, sports leaders and eco-leaders.

Pupils know how to keep healthy and the benefits of daily exercise. At breaktimes, they look forward to catching up with their friends and love keeping active. Pupils happily engage in a game of basketball, football, playing skittles or climbing the trim trail.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders are ambitious for all pupils to learn a curriculum that is broad, interesting and stimulating. They are determined to make sure that all pupils, including those with SEND, are well prepared for the next stage of their education. Across subjects, leaders have identified the most important knowledge that they intend pupils to learn and remember well.

They have thought carefully about the order that pupils learn this essential knowledge. The curriculum in early years lays the right foundations for children's future learning.

Overall, staff use their strong subject knowledge to support pupils to practise and remember what they have learned effectively.

This helps pupils and children in early years, to securely build their knowledge over time. However, leaders know that in a few subjects, pupils do not achieve as well as they could. This is because some teachers' subject knowledge is variable.

Supported by the trust, leaders are ensuring that teachers continue to benefit from training to develop their subject expertise.

Leaders ensure that reading is a top priority. Staff regularly read high-quality texts to pupils to nurture their love of reading.

Children in Reception Year are immersed in books and engaging reading activities. Each week, pupils look forward to visiting the well-stocked library to choose a book to share with their families. Leaders have recently introduced a new phonics programme.

Well-trained staff deliver this effectively. They check that pupils know and use their phonics knowledge correctly. Pupils read books that match the sounds they have learned.

If pupils fall behind, they receive regular and effective support to help them catch up. Consequently, pupils learn to read with fluency and with comprehension.

Pupils behave well and look forward to their lessons.

The learning environment, both inside and outside, is inviting and vibrant. It is a hive of purposeful activity. Children in early years develop crucial skills for learning, such as curiosity, independence and resilience.

Pupils with SEND receive effective support that enables them to access the full curriculum. Staff quickly identify any barriers to learning. They work hard to ensure that these pupils' needs are met and that they are fully included in the full range of school activities.

There is a respectful culture in the school. Pupils act in a kind and considerate manner. Pupils learn how to be responsible citizens, including in early years.

They regularly make donations to the local food bank and raise funds for the charities they support. Pupils have a strong understanding of equality. Pupils explain that it is 'fine to be different and that everyone deserves to be treated the same'.

Pupils learn about different faiths and religions. They talk knowledgeably about the rule of law and mutual respect. Pupils are well prepared for life in modern Britain.

Trust leaders have robust systems in place to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of leaders' actions. They have a thorough knowledge of the school's strengths and areas for development. Leaders make effective use of the support provided from the trust.

Leaders actively support staff's well-being and are mindful of their workload.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders prioritise the welfare and safety of pupils.

Recruitment checks are carried out in a timely manner. Staff receive regular training to help them identify any pupils who may be at risk of harm. They understand the process for reporting any concerns they may have.

Staff follow these processes quickly and diligently. Leaders work effectively with external agencies to try to secure appropriate support for pupils and their families. Leaders use the curriculum and a range of visitors to help pupils learn about the dangers they may face, including online, water and road safety.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some subjects, teachers have variable subject knowledge. This limits how well pupils, including children in early years, develop their knowledge and understanding. Leaders need to continue providing training to develop teachers' expertise so that they can deliver the curriculum successfully.

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S4K Camp - Westover Primary School

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