Westside School

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About Westside School

Name Westside School
Website http://www.westsideschool.org.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Pani Matsangos
Address 8-30 Galena Road, London, W6 0LT
Phone Number 02075040512
Phase Academy
Type Free schools alternative provision
Age Range 11-16
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 19
Local Authority Hammersmith and Fulham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils in Westside get a great deal. Many have a history of non-attendance or persistent absence when they join the school.

Some have been excluded from other settings and things have just not worked out for them. Many find learning hard. However, when they join Westside, a dramatic shift starts to happen.

Most rediscover their love for learning and find their own identity.

This shift is possible because staff have a thorough understanding of pupils' needs and what makes them tick. The curriculum is based firmly on the needs of the individual child.

Starting points of pupils are recognised accurately and ambitious end points set, even when these migh...t be short term. The majority stay on until Year 11 and achieve a wide range of academic GCSEs and practical qualifications. All move on to further education, training and apprenticeships.

Pupils' welfare and safety are at the front and centre of the school's work. Older pupils play and socialise safely with younger pupils, for example in basketball at breaktimes. Pupils' behaviour around the school is very impressive.

They told us that bullying is dealt with very effectively on the rare occasions it does happen. Pupils know that even low-level disruption is not tolerated.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders and governors ensure that every pupil gets the curriculum that is best for them.

Great care and attention is given to finding out what pupils need the minute they join the school. Pupils study a wide range of subjects, even if they are in the school for a brief period. All teachers in the school have qualified teacher status.

Many are specialists with excellent knowledge of the subjects they teach. They plan a quality curriculum that motivates pupils and sustains their interest. This is why attendance is high and why the school is oversubscribed.

The curriculum is implemented very effectively. Teachers are skilful in using assessment to identify gaps in pupils' knowledge and skills. These differences are addressed with a sense of urgency to make sure pupils do not miss out.

Knowledge gaps are used by teachers to adjust the curriculum. We saw strong examples of this practice in subjects including English, citizenship and religious education. Pupils' books demonstrated that, over time, they remember important concepts and make strong progress through the curriculum.

It is the same for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and for those who are disadvantaged.

Teachers give much thought to the order in which they teach concepts. They ensure that complex ideas are broken down and spaced out, helping pupils to keep these ideas in their long-term memory.

This works well for all pupils, and especially well for many pupils with SEND. In citizenship, for instance, the different concepts of 'crime and punishment' are taught separately at first. Over time, pupils build a strong understanding of how the two ideas link together.

It is no surprise why they do so well in this subject.Many pupils join the school with standards in reading below those expected for their age. Leaders know this and have pushed reading to the forefront of the school's work.

Pupils read whole books as a class every half-term, with excellent support provided by teaching assistants. The well-resourced library and book boxes in all classrooms are used well. All subjects promote effective learning of specialist vocabulary.

This includes practical subjects such as motor vehicle maintenance, design and technology, and hair and beauty.

The opportunities for pupils to build their confidence, self-esteem and resilience are wide ranging and purposeful. For example, Year 9 pupils were coached to plan and perform a piece in a local theatre about finding one's identity.

Well-planned trips to theatres, galleries and museums are an established part of the curriculum. Pupils thoroughly enjoy and appreciate these opportunities. Disadvantaged pupils told us about the positive impact such provision has had on their personal development.

It has fired their curiosity and has made them want to know more about the world.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff are alert to any signs of abuse to pupils.

They know what to do if they have any concern about a pupil's welfare or safety. Leaders work well with a range of external agencies to protect any pupil who might be at risk. Referrals are made effectively and in a timely manner.

Pupils have up-to-date information on a wide range of potential risks and community issues. These include, for instance, knife crime, gang culture and harassment. Themes such as these are then developed further through the curriculum so that pupils can discuss how to keep themselves safe.

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