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Pupils are happy and successful at this school. They have high expectations of themselves and are ambitious for their futures.
The motto 'Believe, Belong and Care' conveys the ethos for excellence which is also supportive and nurturing. Relationships between pupils and teachers are strong. They form the basis of an effective partnership where pupils achieve highly and develop to be responsible, confident individuals.
Pupils are kind and respectful. One pupil, echoing the views of many, said: 'It is not about learning tolerance, it is about having acceptance for people who have a uniqueness about them.' Incidents of unkindness and bullying are rare.
Pupils fee...l safe. They appreciate the high-quality teaching and the support that staff provide for their well-being.
Pupils extend their learning through diverse opportunities to develop interests, knowledge and skills.
They benefit from many different activities at lunchtime and after school. There are over 70 different clubs to join, including 30 sporting leagues and activities such as debating.
Parents and carers are overwhelmingly complimentary about the school.
A typical response from one parent said: 'I am delighted with how well my child is getting on. She is thriving academically and personally and has been given a huge range of opportunities. I couldn't recommend it more highly.'
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have high ambition for all pupils in the school, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). The curriculum is designed with opportunities for pupils to extend their learning by studying AS examinations and reading more challenging texts. The choice of subjects at GCSE is wide.
In 2022, fewer pupils took the range of subjects that make up the English Baccalaureate than is average nationally. Leaders have addressed this, and more current pupils are on track to attain this measure.
Teachers are innovative and engaging in their teaching.
They plan learning effectively so that activities build upon pupils' prior knowledge and skills carefully. Leaders support staff to develop excellent subject knowledge. Teachers quickly identify how best to adapt learning so that all pupils, including those with SEND, learn exceptionally well.
Subject leaders and teachers use a variety of strategies to identify and address any gaps in knowledge or misconceptions that pupils may have. They know pupils really well and adapt learning carefully so that all pupils, including those with SEND, succeed. Pupils meticulously use the feedback they are given to correct any misunderstandings for their future learning.
Leaders have ensured that any pupils who need support with their reading become confident and fluent readers. Teachers ensure that pupils use precise terminology and vocabulary throughout all subjects.
Pupils behave exceedingly well in lessons and around the school.
Pupils are proud of the school and happily explain and demonstrate their shared values. Across the school, there is a highly productive and happy learning environment.
Attendance for some pupils with SEND and some who are disadvantaged is not regular enough.
Persistent absence for these pupils is limiting their learning and progress through the curriculum. Leaders have recently put in place systems to address this, but the impact is not yet evident.
Leaders have established an exceptional programme to further pupils' personal development.
Pupils recognise how well this range of experiences prepares them for their life beyond school. The careers education programme ensures that all have access to a range of education providers, work experience and apprenticeships. These opportunities enable pupils to make appropriate and highly ambitious choices for the careers to which they aspire.
There are diverse, thoughtful opportunities for pupils to develop their character, learn about British values and understand the issues related to their emotional health and well-being.
Governors and trustees offer challenge and appropriate support to leaders. Leaders at all levels self-evaluate, review and plan well.
There is a determined focus on continual improvement that helps all to keep developing what they do. However, actions to address pupils' persistent absence were not introduced promptly enough. Staff fully appreciate the care and consideration that leaders give to their professional development, workload and well-being.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders have created highly robust systems that ensure a strong safeguarding culture within the school and community. Leaders make certain that all staff have routine and regular safeguarding training.
Staff are highly vigilant and report concerns immediately.
Leaders use the personal development and tutor programme to make pupils aware of current safeguarding risks. They ensure that pupils can identify and manage risk.
Pupils are very confident that they have staff to go to if they have any concerns. They know they will be listened to and receive support quickly. Leaders use external agencies for additional support when required.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• Too many pupils, particularly pupils who are disadvantaged and pupils with SEND, are persistently absent from school. This hinders their learning and progress. Leaders must ensure that their work to identify and address the barriers to good attendance for these pupils is applied robustly and consistently.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.