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Wharncliffe Side Primary School is a caring and inclusive school where pupils flourish. Leaders have high expectations of all pupils. They have ensured that staff are well trained and teach the ambitious curriculum well.
Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are very well supported.
Pupils are kind and polite to each other. They behave well in lessons.
Pupils learn about bullying and how to be a good friend. Some pupils act as peer mediators and help their friends to resolve occasional fallings out. Instances of bullying are rare.
When they do happen, leaders take swift action. Pupils are confident that staff will help them... if they have any worries or concerns. This helps pupils to feel safe.
There are lots of opportunities for pupils to take on leadership roles. They apply for jobs in the 'job shop' and enjoy the responsibility of being a class monitor, class librarian or playtime buddy. Pupils are proud to take on these roles and feel that they are contributing to the school community.
There are a range of clubs for pupils to explore their talents and interests. Pupils participate in visits to the local area to learn about the world around them. For example, they visited the Yorkshire sculpture park before re-creating their own sculpture park in the school's grounds with artwork they had created.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Pupils get off to a strong start in the early years. Staff take time to teach children the routines of school. This helps them to settle into learning.
Leaders have prioritised developing children's communication. Adults skilfully model language and encourage children to use new vocabulary in their speech. Adults read books to children that help them to understand language patterns and new vocabulary.
For example, some pupils were seen excitedly joining in with 'We're going on a bear hunt' and re-telling the story to their teacher.
Leaders ensure that staff understand how to teach early reading well. Teachers revisit content within a lesson and provide lots of opportunities for pupils to read new sounds in words, sentences and the books they read.
Those pupils who need additional support with reading, including those with SEND, are quickly identified. They participate in additional phonics catch-up sessions to help them fill any gaps in their knowledge of phonics. As a result, pupils quickly learn to read with fluency and confidence.
The curriculum for mathematics is well considered. Leaders constantly evaluate and work with staff to improve how this curriculum is taught. Teachers check pupils' knowledge carefully to make sure that they adapt their teaching to address any gaps in knowledge that pupils might have.
Teachers plan activities that help pupils apply new learning to reasoning and problem-solving tasks. This helps them to achieve well in mathematics.
For subjects in the wider curriculum, such as history and design and technology (DT), subject leaders have made sure that teachers are clear about the knowledge that pupils should learn.
Teachers introduce new concepts well, choosing appropriate activities and resources to help pupils to learn the content identified in leaders' plans. Leaders have established systems to check that pupils have learned this knowledge in the short term. However, some children forget this knowledge.
Teachers do not consistently check to make sure pupils have transferred new learning to their long-term memory.
The support for pupils with SEND is exceptional. Staff are highly ambitious for these pupils, including those in the school's integrated resourced provision.
The needs of these pupils are carefully considered. They are supported to move from the provision to mainstream classes whenever appropriate. They are fully integrated into the life of the school.
Leaders have ensured that staff are knowledgeable and skilled in meeting the needs of pupils with SEND. Staff use clear plans to provide appropriate help for these pupils. As a result, pupils with SEND are well prepared for the next stages of their education.
Through the curriculum for personal, social and health education, pupils learn about relationships, tolerance and changes to their body. This curriculum is supplemented with regular assemblies and opportunities that help pupils to learn about the wider world. For example, pupils have recently had a visit from members of the Greek international rugby team who spoke to them about positive mindsets and perseverance.
Pupils are respectful of those who are different to themselves and understand that all people should be treated equally.
Members of the local governing body know the school well. Governors visit the school regularly to check on the progress leaders are making against improvement priorities.
Governors write detailed reports of visits and share these with the full governing body. This helps the local governing body to hold leaders to account for their actions. Effective systems are in place for the trust board to assure themselves about the effectiveness of the local governing body in holding leaders to account.
Leaders are mindful of teachers' workload and well-being. Staff appreciate the regular professional development opportunities that they are given. They are proud to work in the school.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Staff receive regular training and updates so that they understand the indicators that a pupil might be at risk of harm. Staff raise concerns about pupils' safety with leaders promptly.
Leaders take appropriate action, involving other agencies when necessary. Records of their actions are detailed and thorough. Leaders are committed to providing support for pupils and their families.
Pupils learn how to manage the risks they might face. For example, they have a good understanding of how to use the internet safely and learn how to ride a bike and cross the road safely. Older pupils learn about safe relationships and important concepts such as consent.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In some wider curriculum subjects, such as history, teachers do not consistently check that pupils have transferred important subject knowledge to their long-term memory. As a result, teachers do not identify gaps in some pupils' knowledge. Leaders should ensure that there are consistent systems to check that pupils have remembered what they have been taught.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.