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Whiston Willis Primary School is a happy, vibrant place where 'everyone has a voice'. The school's core values are firmly embedded in every aspect of school life.
For example, pupils demonstrate how to be respectful and sensible through their exemplary behaviour, both during lessons and throughout the school day.
From the very outset, pupils, including children in the early years, learn to take responsibility for their own actions and to understand the consequences that their behaviour may have on others. They said that their school is a safe place and that they are confident that someone will listen to them if they have any worries.
The school has the highes...t ambition for every pupil, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), to achieve 'without limits'. Staff expect pupils to work hard and to try their best. Pupils listen attentively; they follow staff's instructions diligently and are keen to learn.
Pupils achieve exceptionally well, and they understand that what they learn now will have a positive impact on their life chances.
The school has meticulously organised a wealth of purposeful experiences for pupils that extend far beyond the academic curriculum. These include a range of residential visits, a wide variety of additional clubs, and visitors who come into school to speak in assemblies.
These experiences help pupils to develop their independence and confidence. Pupils have high aspirations for their futures, and they are determined to excel in everything that they do.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
With the support of the trust, the school has developed a highly ambitious and carefully constructed curriculum that ensures the knowledge that pupils learn builds up logically over time.
As they progress through the school, pupils develop a deep and rich understanding of concepts. Staff ensure that pupils have regular opportunities to revisit and recall prior learning. This helps them to consolidate earlier learning and to make meaningful connections across the curriculum.
The school ensures that teachers benefit from regular, appropriate, and high-quality training. This supports teachers to deliver the curriculum with confidence and flair. They have a clear understanding of what pupils must learn, and they design carefully crafted activities to meet the needs of pupils.
The school identifies and meets the additional needs of pupils well. Through thoughtful adaptations, the school makes sure that pupils with SEND learn from the same curriculum as their peers. As a result, pupils with SEND achieve well.
Teachers use assessment strategies well to check that pupils have a secure understanding of previous content. When needed, staff provide appropriate support for pupils to address any misconceptions or gaps that may arise. This helps pupils, particularly those with SEND, to become increasingly independent learners.
Pupils are polite, courteous and considerate of staff and each other. Routines for excellent behaviour are well established in the early years, and these high expectations continue throughout the school. The school takes a judicious approach to ensuring that policies relating to pupils' attendance and behaviour are applied consistently and systemically.
Staff do everything that they possibly can to support pupils to attend school regularly.
The school has cultivated a love of reading. It sits at the heart of the curriculum.
Staff thoughtfully choose books that help pupils to expand their vocabulary, spark their interest and challenge pupils' thinking. Staff encourage pupils to read widely and often by exposing pupils to a wide range of high-quality texts. Older pupils recognise the importance of being able to read well.
In the early years, including in the Nursery Year, well-trained staff focus sharply on developing children's communication and language skills. For example, staff play alongside children, extend their vocabulary and introduce new words at every opportunity. Children in the Reception Year quickly learn the sounds that letters represent.
The books that pupils read are matched carefully by staff to the sounds that they have learned. Staff provide additional high-quality support for those pupils who struggle with reading. This ensures that almost all pupils become confident, fluent readers by the end of Year 2.
The school's emphasis on pupils' wider development is exceptional. Pupils can articulately discuss and debate a wide range of issues affecting young people today. For example, the school has ensured that pupils understand that they have a voice and the right to form their own opinions.
Pupils talked confidently about how the law protects people with different characteristics. Through the many aspects of the personal development programme, pupils gain a strong sense of culture and an understanding of different religions. The school also promotes the importance of pupils looking after their own well-being and physical health, such as the benefits of participating in regular exercise.
There is a wide variety of leadership opportunities available for pupils. Whether it is being a valued member of the well-being group or the pupil leadership group, pupils understand that such responsibilities allow them to develop skills for later life.
The school considers the workload and well-being of staff in the decisions that it makes about the school.
For example, leaders carefully consider the impact of any refinements to policies to ensure that they do not cause undue workload for staff. As a result, staff feel well supported to carry out their roles effectively and to hone and develop their expertise.
Trustees and members of the local governing board have an accurate oversight of the school.
They carry out their roles with diligence and fulfil their statutory duties. This enables those responsible for governance to hold the school fully to account for the quality of education the pupils receive.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.