Whiston Worrygoose Junior and Infant School

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About Whiston Worrygoose Junior and Infant School

Name Whiston Worrygoose Junior and Infant School
Website http://www.whistonworrygoose.com
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Vanessa Hill
Address Hall Close Avenue, Whiston, Rotherham, S60 4AG
Phone Number 01709541878
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 235
Local Authority Rotherham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

There are no limits on what pupils at Whiston Worrygoose Junior and Infant School can achieve, both academically and personally. All adults share the same mission to develop and nurture pupils' skills, talents and interests.

As a result, pupils thrive across all aspects of the school's work.

Pupils respond extremely positively to adults' high expectations of them. They follow teachers' instructions promptly and eagerly contribute in class, sharing their thoughts articulately with well-chosen vocabulary.

Pupils play well together during breaktimes, being respectful of the rules, their peers and the school environment. Pupils readily told inspectors that they a...re part of one big family. Bullying is rare.

Pupils trust that staff will sort out any disagreements quickly and effectively. Pupils told inspectors that they feel safe in this school. They have trusted adults who support them well.

Pupils are exceptionally polite and respectful towards staff and visitors.

Parents and carers are very positive about the school. One parent praised this welcoming and nurturing school, saying that their children have had many wonderful and happy years at this school.

Parents spoke of the highest academic expectations being realised. Another parent commented: 'This school has everything in place to make sure that every child it cares for reaches their true potential.'

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders and teachers are precise in detailing what they want their pupils to know, understand and be able to do.

The carefully designed curriculum builds on and deepens pupils' knowledge and skills. Leaders have made sure that learning makes sense. It is built on firm foundations from the very earliest days in school.

The teachers, who have strong subject knowledge, ensure that the highly ambitious curriculum is delivered effectively. The impact of this is clear. Pupils develop well-rounded knowledge across all subjects.

Teachers' precise use of subject-specific language helps develop pupils' vocabulary. Pupils then use this language in discussions and in their high-quality work. Teachers use every opportunity to gauge pupils' understanding; they use this knowledge with accuracy to plan next steps.

This assessment is sensible. It does not burden pupils or teachers.

Leaders have made every pupil's achievement in reading their priority.

There is a shared understanding that being able to read accurately and fluently opens doors to future successful learning. The highly skilled reading leaders ensure that teachers stick precisely to their ambitious plans. Teachers are well trained and deliver the curriculum with precision; not a moment of learning is lost.

Ongoing assessment of pupils means that those who may require additional support receive it promptly. Pupils and teachers at Whiston Worrygoose love reading. Pupils talk avidly about favourite books and authors; teachers select and read challenging books to their classes with great skill.

The early years at Whiston Worrygoose is characterised by nurturing, trusted relationships and clear routine and expectation. This results in children who are engaged in their learning. There is a strong focus on the development of language and vocabulary.

Adults interact with children expertly. They build on what children already know precisely. They ensure that all children reach their potential.

As such, children are ready for their next stage of education.

Pupils' behaviour throughout the school is impeccable. In lessons, pupils are captivated by their learning.

They show very high levels of concentration and engagement. Adults inspire pupils' curiosity. They also help pupils develop a range of strategies to be successful learners.

For example, pupils explained how they routinely use their 'learning gem' strategies to solve problems, work as part of a team and be resilient.

There is an impressive array of opportunities for pupils' personal development in this school. Pupils value the variety of opportunities to develop their understanding of modern Britain.

Pupils are empowered by rich and meaningful learning prompted by Black History Month and assemblies about influential people, such as Mother Theresa and Greta Thunberg. Pupils are certain that there is equality in this school. Leaders ensure that pupils develop an understanding of individual choice.

Pupils told inspectors: 'Anyone could come to our school; here, they would be welcomed and happy.' Pupils take positions of responsibility seriously. As one member of the school council explained: 'It's our responsibility to make the school the best it can possibly be.'

Leaders have recently developed effective school-wide curriculum and policies in relation to relationships and sexual health education.

The provision for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) is highly effective. Leaders have established a highly inclusive environment.

The school's special educational needs and/or disabilities co-ordinator (SENCo) is very experienced and highly ambitious for all. Pupils' needs are swiftly and accurately identified. Adults understand how to support pupils with SEND.

They regularly check the learning of these pupils and adapt teaching accordingly to ensure that pupils keep up. This means that these pupils successfully access all curriculum subjects alongside their peers.

Leaders are exceptional.

Teachers, leaders and governors share their relentless determination to make sure that all pupils succeed. Leaders' high aspirations result in excellent achievement for pupils. Leaders regularly review the spending of pupil premium, physical education (PE) and sport premium and coronavirus (COVID-19) catch-up premium monies.

This review includes careful consideration of assessment information, good practice case studies and pupils' opinions. As a result, the school has invested in activities that support pupils both academically and pastorally. For example, adults took a group of pupils on a summer residential to build resilience and confidence.

Staff are extremely proud to work at this outstanding school. There is a distinct culture of professional development. Adults at this school want to be successful and the best that they can be.

They are empowered to lead and know that the school and trust will help them to achieve their ambitions. They know they can speak to leaders if they have any concerns. Leaders are mindful of staff workload.

Staff feel valued and listened to.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders have established a strong safeguarding culture.

Leaders work effectively with safeguarding partners and other agencies to ensure that identified pupils get help they need to be safe. Staff are confident to report concerns knowing that leaders will act quickly. Leaders provide regular training on safeguarding matters and manage safer recruitment effectively.

The comprehensive safeguarding curriculum, which is woven throughout the day-to-day experience, enables pupils to learn about how to deal with risks. Pupils spoke about how they use their knowledge of the appropriate use of technology both in and out of school. Pupils are confident and make sensible decisions.

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