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This is an outstanding school. Inspiring leadership has established a happy, vibrant learning community.
The two headteachers work very well together and form a strong, cohesive partnership. Pupils are extremely positive, saying, 'We are really happy' and, 'Everyone has fun'. Achievement is outstanding and standards are well above average.
Pupils, including those with special educational needs and those supported by the pupil premium, make at least good progress. Outstanding teaching provides imaginative and challenging activities that really capture pupils' interest so they are very keen to learn and work hard. Staff successfully develop and extend pupils' kn...owledge of language.
Reading is taught well so pupils gain the skills they need for their work in all subjects. Excellent behaviour was seen throughout the inspection. Pupils feel very safe, because, 'Teachers take care and look after us'.
Parents who spoke to inspectors were very supportive. In the school survey one said, 'My child will never take a day off, even when feeling ill'. Parents help with 'Home Learning' and are involved in the life of the school but some are less confident to do so.
The outstanding curriculum provides exciting, enriching learning opportunities and experiences. Spiritual, moral social and cultural development is excellent. Rigorous checks on teaching and well-planned professional development underpin a shared ambition to make the school even more successful.
The proportion of outstanding teaching has increased and standards have been well above average over time, so there is very strong capacity for yet more improvement.
Information about this school
The school is much larger than the average-sized nursery and infant school. The very great majority of pupils are of Pakistani heritage.
The proportion of pupils supported through school action is above the national average, and the proportion supported at school action plus or with a statement of special educational needs is below the national average. The proportion of pupils known to be eligible for the pupil premium (additional government funding for those pupils who are known to be eligible for free school meals, children from service families and those children that are looked after by the local authority) is 17.2% which is below the national average.
The school has grown considerably since the previous inspection, with three extra classes and temporary classrooms sited in the playground. A new school building is currently under construction. There have been significant changes at senior leadership level.
The school is now led by two headteachers, an acting deputy head and an acting assistant head. The local authority have used the skills of senior leaders to share good practice and provide support for other schools. The school holds a number of awards, including International Schools and has Healthy Schools status.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.