Whitings Hill Primary School

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About Whitings Hill Primary School

Name Whitings Hill Primary School
Website http://www.whitingshillprimaryschool.co.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Deepa Samani
Address Whitings Road, Barnet, EN5 2QY
Phone Number 02083595360
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 469
Local Authority Barnet
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils at Whitings Hill primary school are successful and confident learners who are kind and considerate of each other. In lessons and in the playground, they behave extremely well, sharing resources and listening to each other.

Staff have high expectations and pupils rise to these. This starts in early years, where children cooperate and take turns. Incidences of bullying are rare.

Pupils are confident to tell adults and know they will deal with any concerns quickly.

Leaders are highly aspirational for all learners. The curriculum is ambitious and prepares pupils well for their next stage of learning.

Across the curriculum, pupils learn and achieve... highly.

Pupils benefit from a well-designed programme of enrichment activities. A wide range of educational visits enrich the curriculum.

These include to places of worship, the Houses of Parliament and museums. Through these visits, pupils experience workshops about debating and democracy. Pupils relish the opportunity to take on leadership roles.

For example, pupils can be eco-warriors, sports ambassadors or playground pals. All pupils, from early years onwards, learn to swim confidently using the on-site pool.

Pupils develop an active role in their community through fundraising and contributing to food banks.

They sell products they make themselves and raise money to support local and national charities.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has developed a clear and ambitious curriculum. There are clear end goals across all areas of learning.

The curriculum matches and, in some cases, exceeds the ambition of the national curriculum. The curriculum starts in the early years and is clearly sequenced. The knowledge and skills that pupils need to learn over time have been identified.

These are revisited to give pupils multiple opportunities to recap what they have learned. Pupils' knowledge and skills build over time through well-planned activities and interactions. They develop a deep understanding.

For example, pupils learn about seasons and positional direction, which prepares them for learning about hot and cold places, how weather changes, as well as using maps and compasses.

Teachers regularly check what pupils know and can remember. For example, in mathematics, pupils complete recall tasks at the beginning of lessons to ensure that they are ready for the new learning.

Pupils said this helps them. Where needed, pupils receive bespoke interventions and access extra activities to support their learning. Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), are supported to fully access the curriculum.

This is done through well-planned curriculum adaptations. As a result, pupils with SEND achieve well.

The teaching of phonics and early reading is a key priority for the school.

There is a systematic approach to the teaching of phonics and early reading. High-quality phonics lessons are delivered consistently and any gaps in pupils' learning are quickly identified. The books that pupils read are carefully matched to the sounds they know.

This provides pupils with opportunities to practise and apply the sounds they have been taught. Over time, this enables pupils to become confident and fluent readers. A love of reading is promoted across the school and pupils talk confidently about their favourite authors and genres.

There is a highly consistent approach to behaviour. From the early years, children learn to follow well-established routines. Lessons are calm and pupils demonstrate respect towards adults and their peers.

Pupils enjoy school and attend regularly. The school closely checks and encourages high attendance.

Pupils' personal development is exceptional.

The curriculum is designed to help pupils understand how to maintain good physical and emotional health. The dedicated pupil mental health and well-being group supports all pupils. Pupils are taught about the importance of safe, inclusive and respectful relationships.

Pupils learn about British values and develop an understanding that everyone has the right to be treated equally. The 'Big Me' week every year helps pupils think about future careers and what they want to achieve.

Leaders, including those responsible for governance, are proactive in managing workload.

Staff feel very well supported to develop professionally and that their well-being is a priority. The governing body uses its expertise and experience effectively to support leaders in their drive for continuous improvement.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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