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This is a good school Leadership is outstanding. Leaders care deeply about the success and well-being of all pupils. They work hard to make sure that the school meets the needs of every child.
The school has improved significantly since the last inspection and pupils' outcomes have risen. Pupils' behaviour is outstanding. Pupils have excellent attitudes to learning and get on well together.
They are polite, considerate and friendly. They rightly have total confidence in the staff to keep them safe. Children in the foundation classes have a wonderful experience.
Excellent teaching, planning and assessment ensure that children make outstanding progress ...in all areas of learning. Reading, writing and mathematics are very well taught. Planning and assessment are thorough and pupils use their skills confidently across the curriculum.
As a result, all pupils make rapid progress from their starting points. Parents are very happy with the school. All of those asked said that they would recommend the school to other parents.
Outcomes are good and on a rising trend for all pupils. Disadvantaged pupils and those who have special educational needs and/or disabilities make great progress because they are well supported. The school provides a good curriculum.
The range of topics and activities ensures that pupils learn about a broad range of subjects. However, other subjects are not as well taught as English and mathematics. Consequently, outcomes for other subjects are not as strong.
Governance is good. Governors hold leaders rigorously to account for pupils' outcomes in reading, writing and mathematics. They are not yet as rigorous in their monitoring of other subjects and aspects of the school.
Approaches to addressing poor attendance are exemplary. Leaders work hard to ensure that all pupils attend school regularly. However, attendance is below average and this hinders the progress of some pupils.
Information about this school
The school meets requirements on the publication of specified information on its website. Since the last inspection, the school has federated with Wildground Junior School. The schools share a governing body, the executive headteacher and some senior leaders.
Both schools are based on the same site. The proportion of pupils who are eligible for pupil premium funding is higher than the national average. The federation has two resourced provisions for pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities.
A pre-school provision provides five places for three- to four-year-old children who have speech, language and communication difficulties and is based on the infant site. A primary provision for pupils who have social, emotional and mental health difficulties provides eight places for pupils aged four to 11. This resource provision is based in the junior school.