Wilmington Academy

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About Wilmington Academy

Name Wilmington Academy
Website http://www.wilmingtonacademy.org.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Mr Michael Gore
Address Common Lane, Wilmington, DA2 7DR
Phone Number 01322272111
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 11-19
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1374
Local Authority Kent
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Wilmington Academy is an exceptional school providing a world-class education for its pupils and sixth formers.

The International Baccalaureate (IB) philosophy is at the heart of the curriculum. It successfully encourages pupils to be open minded, to take risks and demonstrate their ability to think, reflect and communicate.

Pupils are safe and happy.

Their behaviour is exceptional. They are always thoughtful, polite and respectful. Pupils understand and accept the rules.

Bullying is rare and pupils are adamant that if it does occur, staff would take swift action to stop it immediately.

Pupils and students benefit from excellent careers guid...ance. They are well informed about careers in the wider world, and this supports their high aspirations for the future.

Extra-curricular and enrichment opportunities are extensive, including trips abroad and clubs supporting art, music, drama, sports and the wider curriculum.

Pupils say that prejudice and discrimination are not tolerated. Differences are accepted and celebrated.

Pupils are encouraged to contribute to their wider community and be active and confident citizens through sporting, performance and charitable activities.

Leaders and staff are highly committed to pupils' personal development, welfare and well-being. The personal development curriculum is delivered creatively and appropriately.

The provision is effective in supporting pupils to become responsible and respectful world citizens.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The curriculum is carefully considered, meticulously sequenced and securely embedded. It is hierarchical across all years, including the sixth form.

It is extremely ambitious and carefully matched to the national curriculum, while fully meeting the demanding requirements of the IB.

Leaders have focused resolutely on improving curriculum sequencing so that pupils build securely on prior knowledge. Links across subjects are systematically developed in line with the IB philosophy.

Opportunities are actively highlighted to support pupils to remember more.

Disadvantaged pupils and pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) study the same curriculum as their peers. They are well supported in lessons as well as through extra-curricular and enrichment opportunities.

Higher prior attainers are suitably stretched and encouraged with visits to universities. Significant numbers of students continue into the sixth form and proceed to universities of their choice.

Teachers have expert subject knowledge and deliver lessons with clarity and enthusiasm.

Pupils benefit from the support and encouragement of their teachers. Literacy skills are developed well, and subject-specific language is vigorously supported. Reading has a high priority across the school.

There is an extensive range of provision to support pupils to read widely and often.

Assessment is regular and used to check the progression of pupils continuously to identify where further support is needed. Assessment is also used well to recognise where the curriculum might be further improved.

Feedback is personalised with meaningful comments which pupils respond to and apply to future work.

Pupils are taught about diverse cultures and faiths. They learn about fundamental British values and look at values, such as democracy, across the world.

The relationships and sex education programme supports pupils to know how to enjoy healthy relationships and lifestyles. Pupils fully understand consent in an appropriate and age-related way.

School leaders are highly ambitions for pupils' education.

The principal is inspiring, passionate and determined. He is well supported by senior leaders, who are committed to improving the quality of teaching and learning. Leaders are working productively to increase the uptake of languages and further improve GCSE outcomes for all pupils.

Leaders have designed systems and structures that are highly effective in supporting sixth-form students. There is a well-planned choice of pathways available. This choice is appropriate and demanding for the wide range of students.

The personal development programme is extensive and wide-ranging. Outcomes are high compared with other IB schools internationally.

Middle leaders are supported through effective line management and high-quality training.

Staff are proud and inspired to work at this school. They speak very positively about the support they receive. They fully appreciate the work done to support their workload and ensure their well-being.

Staff are highly motivated and keenly enthusiastic.

Governors and trustees are clear and confident about their roles. They ensure that leaders remain focused on delivering an excellent education for all.

The school is highly regarded for its work as an IB school and is actively involved in supporting other schools. The trust is fully involved in the life of the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

The school has a very strong and well-established culture of safeguarding. Leaders ensure that safeguarding arrangements are robust. The single central record is carefully collated with all requirements followed and checked.

Vulnerable pupils and students are known and considerately supported. The school collaborates effectively with local agencies and the local authority. Referrals are overseen with sensitivity to ensure that pupils and their families are supported throughout and after the process.

There is a strong and committed culture of vigilance across the academy. Safeguarding issues are actioned quickly and effectively. All pupils and adults know how to report concerns and they are confident that they will be dealt with appropriately.

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