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There is a strong sense of community at Winchcombe School. Parents and carers say that pupils are well cared for. Pupils describe being well supported by the school and say that they have a voice.
They take advantage of the different ways in which they can express their views to leaders.
Leaders make their high expectations clear for pupils. They encourage pupils to live out the school's values.
For example, pupils learn about the principles of integrity and responsibility. These ideas are woven through the curriculum.
Behaviour around the school site is calm and purposeful.
Most pupils have positive attitudes towards their learning. However..., on occasions, lessons are disrupted by a small minority of pupils who find it difficult to focus on their learning. When incidents of bullying are reported, leaders act swiftly to resolve these.
As a result, pupils say that they feel safe at the school.
Pupils study a wide and varied curriculum that also prioritises their personal development. The school provides a range of interesting extra-curricular opportunities, including drama, music, sport, stand-up comedy and the Duke of Edinburgh's Award scheme.
There is something for everyone, and pupils participate well.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Since the previous inspection, leaders have strengthened the curriculum. In most subjects, leaders sequence learning carefully.
This helps pupils to know and remember curriculum content successfully. In a few subjects, leaders have not identified and sequenced the specific knowledge that it is important for pupils to learn. This makes it difficult for teachers to check exactly what pupils know.
Therefore, pupils in these subjects do not always have the secure understanding that they need in order to learn the next idea.
Leaders prioritise reading and encourage pupils to read often. Pupils understand that there is value and pleasure in reading, although some admit that they have fallen out of the habit of reading regularly.
When pupils fall behind with their reading, leaders ensure that they catch up. They provide an appropriate phonics curriculum and regularly check pupils' understanding.
Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are fully included in the life of the school.
Most participate well in lessons. Teachers use the information that leaders provide about pupils' needs to plan learning carefully. Pupils with SEND receive particularly effective support from teaching assistants who understand their needs well.
Nonetheless, a small minority of pupils with SEND do not behave as well as they could in lessons. This sometimes disrupts the learning of others. Leaders support these pupils to improve their behaviour, and many do.
However, some pupils spend too much time out of the classroom because their behaviour does not improve quickly enough.
The proportion of pupils studying GCSEs in the suite of subjects for the English Baccalaureate is rising. Leaders are encouraging more pupils to study for a GCSE in a modern foreign language.
This is proving successful. The vast majority of pupils continue to study humanities subjects in key stage 4.
Leaders have planned a curriculum that supports pupils' personal development and their understanding of the world.
Pupils value learning about topics such as consent and keeping safe when online. Some pupils learn about responsibility by being a member of the school parliament. There are also senior prefects who work with the headteacher to make improvements in the school.
Pupils benefit from a wide range of information and useful experiences as part of a well-designed careers programme. The school meets the requirements of the Baker Clause, which requires schools to provide pupils in Years 8 to 13 with information about approved technical education qualifications and apprenticeships. Year 7 pupils also learn about career choices, and this gives them an early understanding of future opportunities.
Most staff say that they feel well supported by leaders and are proud to work at the school. Governors are actively involved in school life. They share the headteacher's vision for the school.
For example, they consider the well-being of staff and work with leaders on key issues, such as behaviour.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
As part of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, leaders have strengthened the pastoral support available for pupils.
Staff act quickly to support pupils who are vulnerable. The school has formed strong links with a range of service providers that support families.
Leaders have clear processes to manage safe recruitment.
Staff receive training on important safeguarding issues, including sexual harassment and the use of sexualised language. Pupils are also taught about these issues.
There are strong relationships between staff and pupils.
Most pupils have a trusted adult whom they can approach if they have a concern.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In a few subjects, leaders have not clearly identified exactly what they want pupils to learn. Where this is the case, teachers are not able to check that pupils know and remember what they need to in order to make progress through the curriculum.
As a result, pupils do not always build a secure understanding. Leaders should ensure that the curriculum is well planned and sequenced in all subjects. ? A small minority of pupils with SEND find it difficult to manage their behaviour.
This sometimes results in disrupted lessons. The school's approach to managing behaviour is not working well enough for these pupils. Leaders should develop a system for managing behaviour that meets the needs of these pupils more effectively.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.