Wincheap Foundation Primary School

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About Wincheap Foundation Primary School

Name Wincheap Foundation Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Nicola Dawson
Address Hollow Lane, Canterbury, CT1 3SD
Phone Number 01227464134
Phase Primary
Type Foundation school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 432
Local Authority Kent
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Key findings

This is a good school. Strong leadership has ensured that the school has improved rapidly since its previous inspection. The school is not yet outstanding because the progress of disabled pupils and those with special educational needs is inconsistent and not all pupils make good progress in reading.

Pupils' achievement is good. Children make good progress in the Early Years Foundation Stage. They build well on this good start in the rest of the school, quickly improving their literacy and numeracy skills so that attainment rises to broadly average levels by the end of Year 6.

Most disabled pupils and those with special educational needs make good progress. The progress of those with a stateme...nt of special educational needs is satisfactory. In the speech and language department, pupils' differing needs are not always met well enough and teaching occasionally lacks inspiration.

In the Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stages 1 and 2, teachers match work closely to the needs of pupils, building well on their interests so that they are fully involved in their learning. In literacy lessons, pupils usually make good progress, but phonics (letter sounds) are not taught always systematically enough, sometimes slowing the progress of the least able in reading. Pupils' positive attitudes and good behaviour contribute greatly to their good learning in lessons.

They work hard, thoroughly enjoy school and keenly take on responsibilities. Senior leaders manage performance and lead teaching well. They set high expectations for staff and pupils and improvements are based on accurate self-evaluation.

Monitoring of provision is thorough, but leaders have too little expertise in the teaching of pupils with speech and language difficulties and what represents good practice to help them provide the right level of challenge and support to staff in the speech and language department.

Information about the school

Most pupils come to this larger than average-sized primary school from the local community. The proportion of pupils known to be eligible for free school meals is high.

The proportion of disabled pupils and those with special educational needs who are supported by school action plus, or who have a statement of special educational needs, is above average as the school includes a specialist speech and language department. At the moment there are 24 pupils in the department. They all have a statement of special educational needs for speech, language and communication difficulties.

Children in the Early Years Foundation Stage are taught in two Reception classes. The school has several awards, including Artsmark Gold. The school meets the government's current floor standards, which set the minimum expectations for pupils' attainment and progress.

Also at this postcode
Wincheap Pre-School

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