Wingrove Primary School

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About Wingrove Primary School

Name Wingrove Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Jane Mullarkey
Address Hadrian Road, Fenham, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, NE4 9HN
Phone Number 01912735466
Phase Primary
Type Foundation school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 462
Local Authority Newcastle upon Tyne
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school Leaders' resolute focus on tackling the dip in pupils' achievements in 2015 has reaped rewards. There has been good improvement in pupils' progress across the school.

Progress in learning continues to hasten because of improvements made to the quality of teaching. Teachers know their pupils well and have good subject knowledge. Carefully planned activities usually challenge pupils to achieve well from their varied starting points.

Occasionally, in key stage 1, writing activities are too hard for pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities or too easy for the most able pupils. Improvements to the teaching of reading and m...athematics have had a positive impact on pupils' outcomes. In 2016, they were above average at the end of Year 2 and Year 6.

Year 6 pupils, including disadvantaged pupils, made good progress in both subjects. Progress in writing was broadly average for all groups. Pupils who speak English as an additional language achieved well.

Leaders' tenacious approach to tackling absence rates has led to the current rise in attendance for all groups of pupils. The creative curriculum ensures that pupils develop their skills and knowledge in a wide range of subjects. It is increasingly enticing for boys.

Consequently, previous differences between boys' and girls' progress are diminishing well. Pupils' behaviour and attitudes are stunning. There is an almost tangible sense of community and belonging.

A warm welcome awaits everyone who enters Wingrove. Pupils are friendly and display a high level of care and respect towards each other, adults and visitors. Pupils are safe.

They are prepared well for life in modern Britain because of the school's values and the way the diverse faiths and cultures of pupils are embraced and celebrated. Such work contributes to pupils' extremely strong spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Rapid improvements in leadership of the early years have led to a significant rise in children's achievements.

Children settle in well and are now well prepared for key stage 1. Leaders and governors know the school's strengths. They have taken decisive action to tackle weaknesses.

However, leaders' action plans do not identify the impact of actions on pupils' achievements clearly enough. Governors share the headteacher's high aspirations for the pupils and hold leaders to account effectively. They visit school regularly.

Governors have ensured that the school website meets government requirements. It also provides a wide range of helpful information for parents. Parents are highly positive about the school.


Information about this school

The school meets requirements on the publication of specified information on its website. Wingrove is larger than the average primary school. The number on roll is increasing year on year.

The proportion of pupils known to be entitled to the pupil premium is above average. Virtually all pupils are from minority ethnic communities. This is much higher than average.

Over a third of pupils are of Pakistani heritage and just under a quarter are Bangladeshi. A higher-than-average proportion of pupils have been identified as requiring additional in-school support for their special educational needs and/or disabilities. An average proportion has an education, health or care plan.

In 2015, the school met the government's floor standards. Provisional information suggests it is likely to do so again in 2016. A new headteacher has been appointed since the last inspection.

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