Winklebury Infant School

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About Winklebury Infant School

Name Winklebury Infant School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Sarah Mathlin
Address Willoughby Way, Winklebury, Basingstoke, RG23 8AF
Phone Number 01256323244
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 2-7
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 167
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school. Teaching is effective, pupils enjoy learning and standards have risen to well above average in reading, writing and mathematics.

From their different starting points, all groups of pupils make good progress in reading, writing and mathematics. Almost all teaching is good, and some is outstanding. Good support ensures all teachers know what to do to improve further.

Disabled pupils and those with special educational needs are quickly identified and benefit from well-chosen support strategies so they also make good progress. Teachers keep an accurate check on pupils' developing skills and understanding. They use this to plan further work t...hat is closely matched to what pupils need to learn.

Teachers and teaching assistants are well informed about each lesson and work effectively together in giving pupils the support they need. Pupils are kind and supportive of each other, living out the school's values. Agreed strategies to managing behaviour are consistently applied and well understood.

Behaviour is good. Pupils know how to stay safe and feel safe around the school, because they know adults care about them. They feel respected and show respect in return.

The federation with the junior school is well established and provides good leadership, particularly through the highly organised senior leaders. The headteacher has the highest expectations of all members of the school and makes sure she demonstrates this herself. Teachers who lead different aspects take responsibility for bringing about improvements.

Governors know a lot about the performance of the school and are well placed to provide the challenge the school needs, alongside their support. They make sure all the requirements for keeping pupils safe are met. It is not yet an outstanding school because: Outstanding teaching is not yet frequent enough.

The most able pupils do not get enough opportunities to evaluate their work or set their own next steps in their learning. Written feedback through marking is not always effective in reinforcing the progress pupils make when they get too few opportunities to respond to it.

Information about this school

This is an average-sized infant school with two classes in each year group.

The infant school federated with the junior school, located on the same site, in September 2009. The current headteacher of the federation took up this post in September 2010. Most pupils are White British.

A small minority of pupils come from a range of other ethnic heritages. A very small minority of pupils speak English as an additional language. The proportion of pupils who benefit from additional support through the pupil premium is slightly above average.

This is additional funding provided by the government, and is used to help pupils eligible for free school meals or from families serving in the armed forces. There are currently no children looked after by the local authority, who would also benefit from this support. The proportion of disabled pupils and those with special educational needs is above average.

The proportion of these pupils supported at school action is above average, while the proportion supported at school action plus or with a statement of special educational needs is average. There is a breakfast club at the school, which is run by a private provider. This was not inspected during this inspection.

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