Winnington Park Community Primary and Nursery School
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About Winnington Park Community Primary and Nursery School
Winnington Park Community Primary and Nursery School
Pupils thrive during their time at Winnington Park Primary School. They enjoy being at school and spending time with their friends. They appreciate the care, kindness and support that staff provide for them each day.
Pupils work hard in their lessons, showing respect for each other and the staff who teach them.
Leaders, including governors, are ambitious for all pupils. Pupils respond well to the high expectations that leaders set for them.
This is evident in the way that they conduct themselves and apply themselves to their work. Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), achieve well. By the time they leave Year 6, pu...pils are well prepared for the next stage of their education.
Pupils told inspectors that if an incident of bullying should occur, that a member of staff would speak with the pupils involved and sort the problem out quickly.
Pupils said that they feel safe at this school and well looked after. They are kind to each other.
Older pupils enjoy taking on roles such as 'play buddies'. This involves working with younger pupils and acting as positive role models.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have developed a curriculum which is broad and ambitious for all pupils, including those with SEND.
Leaders are clear about the knowledge that pupils need to learn in each subject. This helps teachers to plan learning that builds on what pupils have learned previously. However, in a very small number of subjects, leaders are still finalising what pupils should know and remember.
Added to this, in these subjects, leaders have not considered carefully enough how pupils' learning in Year 1 builds on children's learning in the early years. As a result, in these subjects, some teachers are occasionally hindered in designing learning that builds logically on what pupils know already.
Staff use the curriculum to build pupils' vocabulary across subjects.
This starts in the early years, where staff use books and stories to engage children's curiosity and encourage the development of their speaking and listening skills. The curriculum also broadens pupils' life experiences. For example, as part of pupils' learning in religious education, they visit mosques, synagogues and temples to support and inform their learning.
Older pupils also visit the Houses of Parliament each year. This helps to develop their understanding of democracy and the rule of law.
Reading is central to the school's curriculum.
Leaders make sure that pupils learn to read and love to read. Staff are experts in phonics and early reading. They make regular assessments of how well children are progressing and quickly intervene when somebody starts to fall behind.
Staff use a range of interventions to support all children and pupils to keep up with their peers. As a result, pupils develop the skills that they need to read confidently and competently. Older pupils who met with inspectors showed a great love for reading.
They were able to talk in detail about literature and discussed a wide range of classic and contemporary authors, poets and illustrators.
Leaders are determined to help all pupils to succeed. They have put effective systems in place to identify the needs of pupils with SEND and make sure that these pupils get the help that they need.
As a result, pupils with SEND can access the same curriculum as their classmates.
Leaders ensure that there is strong focus on supporting pupils' wider development. After-school clubs and inter-school competitions provide opportunities for pupils, including those with SEND, to develop their sporting abilities and interests.
There is also a strong music tradition. There is a choir in key stage 1 and all pupils in key stage 2 learn to play a range of musical instruments. Pupils across key stage 2 are looking forward to their residential visits, which will restart in the summer term.
Pupils behave well. Their behaviour reflects the determination that staff have for everyone to be the best they can possibly be. Pupils attend school regularly.
They know what is expected of them in lessons and show real determination when work is challenging. Pupils are keen to play their part in the school community. Older pupils take on extra responsibilities with great enthusiasm.
They actively support the well-being of other pupils, for example by acting as peer mentors.
Governors share senior leaders' commitment to providing the best possible education for pupils. They understand their role and ensure that they have the knowledge they need to both challenge and support school leaders.
Staff said that they feel extremely well supported by school leaders. Staff feel that leaders really care about their well-being and make reasonable adjustments to their workload whenever possible.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
There is a strong safeguarding culture in the school. Leaders ensure that staff are trained well and that they know exactly what to do if they have any concerns about a pupil's welfare or well-being. Safeguarding leaders make sure that all safeguarding concerns are well documented and followed up appropriately.
Pupils learn how to keep themselves safe through the school's curriculum. They know about the dangers that they may experience when working or playing online. They also learn about life-saving procedures through a well-organised first-aid programme.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In a small number of subjects, staff are at an early stage of teaching the school's recently-developed curriculum. This means that pupils are at the early stage of developing the knowledge that they need in these subjects. Leaders should now ensure that staff are well supported to teach all aspects of the curriculum well.
• Some subject leaders are not clear about what children learn in the early years. As a result, in some subjects, leaders have not considered fully how pupils' learning in Year 1 builds on what they know already. Leaders should ensure that subject leaders consider carefully how pupils' learning in key stage 1 builds on what children in the early years know and remember.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.