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This is an outstanding school Pupils of all abilities, including those who are disadvantaged, those who have special educational needs and the most able, make outstanding progress throughout their time in the school. Over the last three years, standards reached by pupils in Year 6 in reading, writing and mathematics have risen, with many pupils reaching the higher Level 5.
Teaching is outstanding. No time is wasted in lessons and pupils are keen and eager to learn in all different subjects. Pupils respond very positively to teachers' very helpful feedback during lessons and the comments written in their books by teachers.
Teaching assistants provide excellent ...support for individuals or groups of pupils, driving them forward to achieve as well as they can. Pupils are very well behaved in lessons and around the school. Pupils attend school very regularly.
There are exceptionally strong relationships between adults and pupils. Leadership by the headteacher is outstanding. She leads by example and is very strongly supported by governors and other staff.
Pupils of all ages mix well together. Their personal development is greatly enhanced because they are given positions of responsibility which they accept gladly and undertake very well. The curriculum is excellently enhanced by a wide range of activities that appeal to all pupils.
They contribute exceptionally well so that pupils are very well prepared for the next stage of their education. Pupils understand how to keep themselves safe. However, a very few pupils do not understand the consequences of using inappropriate language and not respecting others.
Provision in early years is good. From typical starting points for their age, there is a lack of challenge for the most-able children in reading, writing and number work in particular.
Information about this school
This is a smaller than average primary school.
There are four classes in the school, for Reception children, pupils in Years 1 and 2, pupils in Years 3 and 4 and pupils in Years 5 and 6. Almost all pupils come from White British backgrounds and speak English as their first language. A below-average proportion of pupils are supported by the pupil premium (additional government funding for looked after children and pupils known to be eligible for free school meals).
No pupils are supported by an education, health and care plan. The school met the government's current floor standards, which are the minimum expectations for pupils' attainment and progress. The school runs a breakfast club and from 1 September offers 'wrap-around care' for pupils by providing an after-school club.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.