Winton Primary School

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About Winton Primary School

Name Winton Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Gregory Gray
Address Killick Street, Kings Cross, London, N1 9AZ
Phone Number 02078376096
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 232
Local Authority Islington
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Winton Primary School is a welcoming and inclusive community where pupils are happy and kept safe. Staff know pupils well and have very high expectations for them. The school provides an ambitious curriculum for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

They learn a broad range of subjects in line with the national curriculum.

Pupils really enjoy their learning. They are proud to be part of a school where their views and opinions are listened to and valued.

Teachers build strong relationships with pupils, which allows them to thrive. Pupils conduct themselves well in lessons and around the school. Bullying is rare ...and pupils know who to speak with if they have any concerns.

Parents and carers are overwhelmingly positive about the support their children receive at the school.

From early years onwards, all pupils benefit from an extensive range of carefully designed wider opportunities. Educational visits considerably enhance the curriculum.

For example, pupils enjoy visits to famous London landmarks, as well as galleries and museums. Older pupils eagerly take on positions of leadership and responsibility, such as helping younger pupils with their reading and learning their multiplication tables.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders, including those responsible for governance, have high ambition for all pupils and want the best for them.

Staff feel that their workload and well-being have been carefully considered by leaders. For example, they benefit from high-quality professional development and staff, including early careers teachers, receive excellent support.

Subject leaders have thought carefully about the knowledge pupils need to secure and the order in which it is taught.

The curriculum is well designed and enables pupils to build their understanding cumulatively. For example, in history, pupils investigate London landmarks. They build on this knowledge later when they explore the lives of famous Londoners.

By Year 6, pupils are confident to describe the historical significance of the city of London and how transport in the capital city has developed over time.

Teachers are highly skilled in delivering the curriculum. They have strong subject knowledge and consistently provide learning activities that help pupils to know more and remember more.

Assessment is used very effectively to check pupils' learning and identify any gaps in their knowledge. This ensures that pupils are well supported to produce high-quality written work that demonstrates the depth of knowledge they secure in different subjects.

The school prioritises children's early language development.

When children start school, staff focus on whether they are happy and feel secure and confident to communicate with adults and with their peers. In early years, language is constantly promoted throughout the curriculum, exemplified through the variety of interesting activities provided, including listening to stories, songs and rhymes each day. The learning space in early years is well designed and organised.

Children cooperate very well with each other and take turns, for example, when using the sand tray, painting or working with building blocks.

Reading is a high priority. Pupils develop as confident and fluent readers.

This is because staff are well trained and implement the agreed phonics programme with consistent precision. Pupils have frequent opportunities to practise and apply what they have learned using books that are closely matched to their phonics knowledge. Staff make regular checks on pupils' reading.

Any pupils who fall behind benefit from effective support to catch up quickly. The school promotes a love of reading, for example by encouraging pupils to explore different genres and text types. Pupils enjoy progressing through the school's 'reading road map'.

There is very strong support for pupils with SEND. The school identifies pupils' needs with precision and shares this information with staff. Leaders carefully check that the additional support pupils receive is having a positive impact.

Activities are adapted, where necessary, to ensure that all pupils access the same ambitious curriculum.

Pupils' personal development is very well considered. A carefully planned pastoral curriculum enables pupils to explore important topics such as nutrition, democracy and fitness.

The school provides many opportunities to develop pupils' character. These include charity fundraising activities, working with a local dance theatre and The Bach Choir project, where pupils perform at Westminster Cathedral.

Pupils have access to a large range of extra-curricular clubs, for example chess, dance and drama.

The school supports pupils to stay healthy and have active lifestyles, through the provision of an exceptional range of sporting activities. The school uses a range of effective strategies, such as breakfast club, to promote the attendance and punctuality of pupils.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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