Wold Academy

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About Wold Academy

Name Wold Academy
Website http://www.woldacademy.co.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Mrs Julia Eley
Address Wold Road, Hull, HU5 5QG
Phone Number 01482353259
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 466
Local Authority Kingston upon Hull, City of
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are thriving in this rapidly improving school.

Leaders have ensured that all staff have high expectations of pupils' behaviour. Older pupils are proud to be role models for younger pupils. Adults encourage everyone to remember the 'Wold way for welfare'.

Pupils feel safe and cared for.Pupils remember 'Wold walking' when they move around the building. As a result, the staircases, corridors and dining room are quiet and calm spaces.

Leaders have provided additional equipment to help pupils stay active and enjoy themselves when they are playing together at lunchtime.Bullying is rare. Pupils told us, on the rare occasions bullying does happen, adults solve... the problem quickly.

All adults have high expectations of pupils' learning. Leaders have designed the curriculum skilfully to make sure that pupils are well prepared for life in modern Britain. Older pupils can remember what they have learned about civil rights in history lessons.

They understand the right to equality, and that no form of discrimination is acceptable. Pupils are excellent ambassadors for their school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Despite the additional pressures of leading the school through the 2020/21 COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, leaders have been relentless in improving the quality of education.

The multi-academy trust has supported leaders effectively to achieve this improvement quickly. For example, the multi-academy trust selected one of its early years experts to support the leadership team at Wold Academy. Leaders have designed an ambitious curriculum that meets the needs of children in the early years, including the two-year-olds.

As a result, children in the early years are well prepared for their next stage in learning.Leaders identify children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) quickly. They adapt the ambitious curriculum to make sure that pupils with SEND get the extra help they need to succeed.

Teachers adapt curriculum plans successfully for pupils with SEND who have complex needs.Leaders have ensured that all teachers and teaching assistants are fully trained in the school's chosen phonics scheme. The phonics leader checks that staff deliver the phonics programme sequentially and at pace.

Leaders quickly identify pupils that fall behind. Teachers and teaching assistants give pupils the extra help they need. Consequently, pupils gain confidence and fluency rapidly when they are learning to read.

Leaders have planned an ambitious curriculum for most subjects. Leaders consulted with parents and introduced the new curriculum for relationships education this term. Effective religious education (RE) helps to ensure pupils' good personal and spiritual development.

Pupils remember what they have learned about other faiths. This helps pupils to develop respect and tolerance for different beliefs and cultures.Leaders pride themselves on the broad curriculum on offer.

However, leaders recognise that the modern foreign languages and design and technology curriculums remain underdeveloped. This is because teachers have not had all the training that they need to teach these subjects well. Leaders are developing detailed curriculum plans to specify the knowledge and skills that should be taught to pupils in these subjects in each year group.

In some subjects, for example in mathematics, the curriculum is fully implemented. Leaders have created a culture of continuous improvement where colleagues work together to improve their subject knowledge. Teachers appreciate the training and coaching that leaders provide.

Teachers' expectations are consistently high. They give prompt feedback to help pupils see where they went wrong, and how they can improve. The impact of the improved mathematics curriculum is evident in the good progress pupils are making.

They know more and remember more. Pupils know what is expected of them and they are growing in confidence in mathematics. In mathematics, pupils take great pride in their work and they have positive attitudes to their learning.

Pupils enjoy the wide and varied opportunities that extend their skills and talents. Some of the enrichment activities typically offered have been limited in recent months. However, leaders have done all they can to offer enrichment activities safely.

After-school sports clubs have already restarted, and leaders have rescheduled residential visits. Leaders have invited different faith leaders to visit classes. These visitors engage pupils' interests and enrich pupils' knowledge in RE.

Leaders have successfully developed and adapted the curriculum so that it can be delivered remotely. Parents appreciate this. One parent said, 'I feel that all staff at this school have gone above and beyond, especially during this strange time.'


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders understand how to identify, help and manage safeguarding concerns. Leaders have put effective arrangements in place to ensure that all staff are able to access regular safeguarding training linked to both the local and national context.

Pupils know how to keep themselves safe, including when they are working online.Governors are knowledgeable and they hold leaders to account about safeguarding. They commission external specialists to complete independent safeguarding audits.

These audit reports offer high assurance to governors.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The content of some subjects is not as well chosen and sequenced as most. This is particularly so in modern foreign languages and design and technology.

The plans for these subjects do not support teachers to build pupils' knowledge sequentially. As a result, pupils do not learn these subjects well enough. Leaders need to ensure that the content of all subject plans is well chosen, carefully sequenced and delivered as intended.

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