Wolf Fields Primary School

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About Wolf Fields Primary School

Name Wolf Fields Primary School
Website http://www.wolffieldsprimary.co.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Simone Neil
Address Norwood Road, Norwood Green, Southall, UB2 4JS
Phone Number 02085717970
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 252
Local Authority Ealing
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are happy and safe at this warm, welcoming school. They like their teachers and know they will help with any worries. Parents appreciate the care and nurture provided by staff.

One parent commented, 'The pastoral care is absolutely first class.' The school's values of worth, opportunity, learning and friendship are threaded throughout every aspect of school life.

Leaders have raised the bar and are determined that all pupils learn well.

Staff understand the individual needs of pupils and well-matched support is in place. This in turn helps pupils with their well-being and learning in the classroom.

Pupils are respectful towards adults and thei...r peers.

They behave well in lessons and in the playground. Pupils say they sometimes 'squabble' but can usually sort this out themselves. On the rare occasion that bullying happens, staff deal with it quickly.

Leaders and staff teach pupils the importance of tolerance. Pupils learn about different religions and cultures. This supports them to respect difference.

Pupils want to take on responsibility and make a difference at their school. They have formed a 'junior leadership team' to 'make school more exciting and leave a legacy'.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have a clear vision for the school, where all staff are encouraged to play their part.

The curriculum rightly has a strong focus on language development because nearly all pupils are in the early stages of learning English. Teachers are knowledgeable about the subjects they teach. They are clear how new learning builds on what has been taught before and help pupils to understand key concepts.

For example, in history, pupils make good use of timelines to remember when significant events happened.

The curriculum in the Nursery and Reception classes forms the foundation for learning across the school. In geography, for example, children learn about local landmarks in their immediate environment and learn that these are permanent.

This knowledge is built upon when they learn about landmarks in different countries. Teachers prepare children for what comes next in mathematics by including regular counting opportunities throughout the day.

Reading is prioritised across the school.

Teachers love reading themselves. They share well-chosen books that reflect the diversity within the school. Leaders train all staff to confidently deliver the phonics programme.

Pupils learn phonics as soon as they start school. They read regularly to adults with books that help them to become fluent quickly. If pupils fall behind with their reading, they are supported to catch up.

In lessons, pupils show a keen interest in their learning because teachers plan exciting activities. For instance, in Year 2, pupils recently attended the Paddington Bear exhibition. This supported their work on developing characters in stories.

Year 6 pupils took part in a workshop on Ancient Greece. This helped pupils remember the important knowledge from that time. Teachers check what pupils know at the beginning and end of each unit of work, and use this to plan what comes next.

Pupils have some opportunities to develop their talents through clubs such as football, music and language skills. They say everyone is treated equally. Pupils welcome responsibility and carry out duties such as 'playground buddies' with pride.

They spoke excitedly about gardening club, where the vegetable patch is currently tended by pupils in Year 4. While leaders have provided an ambitious curriculum, less emphasis is given to raising pupils' aspirations for what they might achieve in their lives. Consequently, very few pupils are confident when speaking about their personal hopes for the future.

Pupils learn about healthy relationships. They know whom they can trust and are very clear on internet safety. They learn about other religions and cultures and where there are similarities and differences.

For example, pupils could recall that places of worship in Judaism and Christianity both had stained-glass windows.

Nearly all pupils learn English as an additional language. This makes it challenging to immediately identify other special educational needs and/or disabilities.

Leaders work collaboratively with each other and external agencies to support the needs of pupils. In mathematics, for example, teachers adapt learning to include opportunities for pupils to develop their vocabulary. It is less clear how these adaptations are supporting pupils with other areas of the intended curriculum and their future aspirations.

Leaders support staff to carry out their roles effectively. Staff attend weekly training sessions to ensure new teaching strategies are implemented consistently. For example, all staff learn how to help pupils catch up with reading.

Leaders make sure that staff have a manageable workload by keeping marking and meetings to a minimum. Staff value the counselling service and say their well-being is a priority for leaders.

Members of the newly formed governing body understand their duties and perform them well.

They visit the school regularly to see that what leaders tell them happens in practice. They understand the curriculum intent and check the impact through speaking to pupils and looking at their work. Governors are well known to staff, pupils and parents.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders prioritise pupils' safety. Staff know the signs to look out for that may indicate that a pupil needs help.

They know how to report concerns and whom to go to for support.

The school's curriculum provides many opportunities for pupils to learn about safeguarding risks, for example about risks online.

Leaders know when to make referrals to safeguarding partners.

They secure the help pupils need by using external services as appropriate.

The safeguarding governor checks recruitment processes termly. This provides further assurance that only adults deemed safe to work with children are appointed.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• While the curriculum is ambitious, leaders have not given similar attention to raising pupils' aspirations for what they might achieve in later life. Leaders should plan a strategy for exposing pupils to the full range of opportunities available to them. This will encourage them to aim high and will also boost their confidence.

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