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Pupils are proud and happy to attend Woodlands Primary School.
They are positive about their learning, especially reading, which they really enjoy.
Leaders have high expectations of pupils. They want the very best for them, which means that pupils' best interests are at the heart of leaders' decision-making.
Leaders' recent changes to the school's behaviour system are having a positive effect. Pupils and staff worked together to create and agree on the system. Pupils say that the rewards and sanctions are improving behaviour so that learning in lessons is not disrupted.
The system is flexible enough to enable leaders to make reasonable adjustments fo...r those pupils who are more vulnerable. While there is a small amount of bullying, pupils say that this is always dealt with well by staff.
Relationships between adults and pupils are warm.
Pupils are well cared for through effective pastoral support. Comments such as, 'Staff's priority is to ensure children feel safe and supported', were typical of the views of many parents and carers.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
In most subjects, leaders have designed an ambitious curriculum.
They aspire to widen pupils' understanding of the world. In many subjects, knowledge is carefully sequenced. Pupils learn the key vocabulary that helps them to learn more.
Pupils build on what they already know, and remember more over time. Recent training has developed teachers' use of high-quality teaching strategies. This has supported them to implement the curriculum well.
They skilfully use questions to develop pupils' understanding of key knowledge.
Leaders' vision for reading is as a 'skill for learning rather than a skill to learn'. This means that all pupils learn the necessary reading skills and strategies as a gateway to learning across the curriculum.
Teachers deliver reading and phonics consistently well across the school. The youngest children learn well in their phonics lessons. Children in Nursery learn some initial sounds and enjoy choosing to write during independent play.
This sets them up well for learning to segment and blend when they enter Reception. Those pupils who struggle to keep up are well supported. This support is well matched to their needs, which means that they develop fluency and accuracy.
The mathematics curriculum is well designed. Teachers adapt learning sequences in the light of the disruption caused by the pandemic. This means that they are addressing gaps in pupils' understanding.
Pupils, including children in early years, consolidate and secure learning before moving on to new concepts.
In some subjects, pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) have good support to know more and remember more. In other foundation subjects, these pupils sometimes find it difficult to secure their learning.
This is because teachers do not always know how to scaffold learning precisely enough in these subjects.
Pastoral support for pupils is highly valued by parents and pupils. Leaders' focus on mental health and well-being means that pupils have developed greater resilience.
The curriculum supports pupils' understanding of life in modern Britain, discrimination and diversity. However, pupils have missed elements of this during the pandemic. This means that they are not always secure in their knowledge of aspects of life in modern Britain.
Leaders' work means that the attendance of pupils is rising. They know that poor attendance means that pupils miss vital pieces of learning. They involve other agencies where necessary to ensure that parents understand how important good attendance is for pupils.
Governors are passionate about their school. They maintained a focus on curriculum development as well as staff and pupils' well-being during the pandemic. They are proactive in checking the work of leaders through visits and discussions.
Staff feel well supported in their work and are very proud to work at the school.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders ensure that keeping pupils safe is their top priority.
Recruitment checks and the induction of staff are thorough. Leaders have a good understanding of their local context. They work closely with a range of external agencies, making appropriate referrals and requests for support.
Leaders' work throughout the pandemic, and on the return to school, has secured positive support for pupils and their families.
Regular training for staff means that they are confident in knowing the signs of abuse. They record concerns accurately and in a timely manner.
Pupils feel safe. They are confident to share worries with adults in the school. They learn about risks and how to keep themselves safe.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In some subjects, teachers do not always ensure that pupils with SEND have the precise scaffolding they need to access the curriculum successfully. This means that some pupils in some subjects struggle to know more and remember more over time. Leaders need to make sure that teachers can support pupils to follow the curriculum successfully.
• The programme to promote pupils' personal development is not always implemented effectively. This means that pupils' knowledge of some aspects of life in modern Britain is insecure. Leaders need to embed the personal, social and health education curriculum and wider opportunities to ensure that pupils are well prepared for their future lives.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.