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Woodlands Academy is a friendly and caring school.
Leaders and staff have high expectations of pupils. They are determined that all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), should benefit from a high-quality education. This ambition has not been fully realised.
Pupils are safe in school. They know that adults will help them if they are concerned about something. Pupils are kind to each other.
Incidents of bullying are rare. Pupils learn about different types of bullying. They know that bullying is different to people falling out with each other.
Pupils behave well in class and around school. They understand l...eaders' expectations of them. Pupils earn rewards for working hard and for being thoughtful and caring to others.
This supports pupils to develop positive attitudes to learning. Sanctions rarely have to be used.
Year 6 pupils wear purple jumpers.
They know that the jumpers symbolise the importance of being a good role model to others. Pupils are proud to wear them. They set a good example to the rest of the school.
Younger pupils look forward to taking on this responsibility when they reach this stage.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders, including those with responsibility for governance, know that there is still work to do to improve the curriculum. Recently appointed leaders have rightly prioritised addressing the key areas for improvement in the school.
Most foundation subjects need to be developed further so that the knowledge that leaders want pupils to learn is clearly mapped out.
Leaders have ensured that there is a consistent approach to the teaching of phonics. All staff in school have been trained in this aspect of the school's work.
Strategies, such as pupil reading ambassadors, have been introduced to support pupils to develop a love of reading. Most younger pupils read books that match their phonic ability. Some older pupils select books that are easier to read so that they can read books quickly and achieve rewards.
This prevents them from reading books that extend their learning.
In the early years, children in Nursery develop skills in listening to sounds and words. This prepares them for learning phonics in Reception.
Adults' skilful use of questions supports children to develop their language and communication.
Leaders have carefully planned and sequenced the curriculum in the early years. Adults provide opportunities to build on children's interests effectively within activities.
During the inspection, children enjoyed exploring the effect of the windy weather on materials that they held, developing their interest in the changing weather.In other phases of the school, teachers do not use opportunities to develop pupils' understanding of key concepts as much as they could. In mathematics, teachers ensure that pupils become increasingly confident in their use of number and calculations.
However, they are provided with limited opportunities to apply these skills within problem-solving activities. Sometimes, pupils' misconceptions are not consistently addressed by adults.
In a small number of subjects, teachers revisit pupils' prior knowledge frequently.
They make sure new knowledge builds on what pupils already know. For example, in religious education (RE), the skills and knowledge that pupils need have been clearly identified. Over time, pupils learn about different faiths and beliefs.
They use this knowledge to consider ways in which people of different faiths worship. Leaders extend this learning further by inviting members of the local community into school to speak to pupils. Pupils also visit places of interest such as the Holocaust memorial in Lincolnshire.
This structured approach is not consistently seen across the curriculum. Leaders have not precisely identified the key knowledge that pupils need to learn in all subjects. This prevents teachers from using assessment effectively.
Teachers lack clarity in what they are expected to teach. In history, pupils have a weak understanding of historical knowledge. They learn about events in history but do not develop a secure knowledge about key concepts.
For example, pupils have learned about the Vikings and Anglo Saxons but do not understand the concept of invasion.
The school's inclusive culture supports pupils with SEND effectively. Teachers are aware of individual pupils' learning needs.
They make effective adaptations to lessons, such as providing counters in mathematics, to support pupils. However, teachers do not precisely identify the small steps of progress that pupils with SEND need to make.
The school's personal, social and health education (PSHE) curriculum clearly maps out the skills and knowledge that pupils learn as they progress through the school.
Pupils develop a mature approach to learning about relationships. They understand the meaning of an unhealthy relationship. Pupils told an inspector that being near someone who says nasty things can lower someone's self-esteem.
There is a wide variety of clubs and activities for pupils to participate in, including cooking, sewing and Spanish. These are well attended by pupils. Leaders ensure that disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND participate fully.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders have implemented clear procedures to identify pupils at risk of harm. Regular training supports staff to make referrals confidently.
They know that any information, no matter how small, fits into a bigger picture. This enhances the school's work to create a culture of safeguarding in the school.
Leaders get advice and guidance from the local authority whenever necessary, for example when supporting pupils with their mental health and well-being.
They work with families so that they receive the support that they need.
Consideration has been given to the contextual risks that pupils may be vulnerable to. The PSHE curriculum provides opportunities to learn about topics such as playing safely on the local housing estate and in the park.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• Leaders have not precisely identified the knowledge and skills that pupils must learn in many foundation subjects. Pupils do not remember key components of learning. Leaders should ensure that the key knowledge and skills that pupils must learn are clearly identified and use this to regularly check what pupils know and can do.
• The small steps of progress that pupils with SEND need to make have not been clearly identified. Teachers do not know precisely what pupils with SEND need to do to make progress. Leaders should ensure that the small steps of learning are in place for pupils with SEND.