Woodlands Secondary School

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About Woodlands Secondary School

Name Woodlands Secondary School
Website http://www.woodlands.luton.sch.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Sandra Clarke
Address Northwell Drive, Luton, LU3 3SP
Phone Number 01582572880
Phase Special
Type Community special school
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 262
Local Authority Luton
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils' success is at the core of Woodlands School. It is a caring and harmonious community where all pupils flourish.

All who attend the school have complex special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). However, the school's high expectations set no limits on what they can do or achieve. Pupils learn exceptionally well.

Adults build strong and trusting relationships with pupils. This helps pupils to know they are safe. Staff have a deep knowledge of every individual's needs.

They provide well judged and sensitive support. This ensures that pupils know how to communicate their wishes and manage their own behaviour. Pupils delight in their friendships ...and are respectful of each other.

Pupils behave extremely well around the school.

Pupils' voice is important at Woodlands. Their opinions are sought after and highly regarded.

Pupils make significant contributions towards improving their local community. They are proud of these achievements, and rightly so. It helps them to understand how to lead active and fulfilling lives.

Pupils are exceptionally well prepared for adulthood. This thread weaves through the school's curriculum. Real-life experiences enrich pupils' learning.

It equips them with the skills to live their lives as independently as possible.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has crafted a bespoke curriculum for their pupils. It caters very well for pupils' specific needs.

Some pupils are at early stages of development and learning. Clear and detailed plans provide a sharp focus on their medical, communicative and sensory needs. Staff work alongside other expert professionals to provide skilled intervention and support.

Other pupils study more discrete subjects. Curriculum plans are precise about the important information pupils need to know. They allow opportunities for pupils to build on prior learning by revisiting important knowledge.

This prepares pupils well by equipping them with what they need for their next destinations.

Staff have strong subject knowledge. Effective use is made of pupils' education, health and care (EHC) plans so that the curriculum is well matched to pupils' individual starting points.

Through targeted questioning and close observations, staff precisely identify pupils' next steps. Plans are appropriately adapted to address misconceptions, ensuring pupils have a secure understanding of what has been taught. The ambitious curriculum means that pupils achieve very well.'

Preparation for adulthood' is at the heart of the curriculum. Pupils have rich experiences to practise and apply their skills. For example, they make use of strategies they have learned to manage the school tuck shop or serve customers at the school café.

This work is highly relevant to pupils' lives, so places learning in a meaningful context. It enhances their education and builds a strong understanding about life beyond the school.

Communication and language development are high priorities.

Staff make skilful use of a range of resources, such as visual clues and assisted technologies. This helps engage pupils to interact in their learning. It means pupils communicate their wishes and feelings clearly.

The school's new phonics programme is now in place. When pupils are ready, they receive teaching in phonics. Well-trained staff expertly deliver the school's programme.

Pupils read books to help them practise the sounds they know. These pupils are learning to read with increased confidence and accuracy.

There is a purposeful and calm atmosphere around the school.

Classrooms are busy places, reflecting pupils' highly positive attitudes to their learning. They are active participants in learning and willingly contribute when asked. Most pupils attend well.

Where attendance is less frequent, there are clear reasons owing to complex health needs. The school's bespoke approach in tracking attendance means they understand how best to support the needs of pupils and their families.

The highly inclusive programme to support pupils' personal development is impressive.

Tailored opportunities encourage all pupils to explore different talents and interests. There is an extensive range of clubs that promote pupils' independence and self-awareness. The development of life skills threads through the curriculum, for example developing enterprise skills through preparing food for the cafe or growing plants to sell to the community.

Adventurous activities such as skiing and residential visits effectively promote resilience. Students in the sixth form work towards a life skills qualification. There is a comprehensive programme that provides careers advice and guidance.

Pupils are very well prepared for their next stages and progress into appropriate destinations when they leave school.

Governors are very effective in their roles. They challenge and work closely with leaders to help achieve the school's ambitious vision.

Staff feel well supported and welcome the ways in which leaders review their workload. They appreciate leaders' concern for their work-life balance and emotional well-being.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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