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About Worksop Priory Church of England Primary Academy
Older pupils make sure that younger pupils feel safe. Staff expect pupils to always behave well, and they do. Pupils who need extra help to work hard get the help they need.
Everyone listens and concentrates well. Pupils say that there is no bullying. They feel that problems are sorted out.
Pupils feel safe in school and staff teach them how to stay safe in a variety of situations.
Teachers want every pupil to do well. They help pupils to understand what they are learning by making sure they know the meaning of key words.
However, pupils use what they already know to help them in some lessons more than they do in ...others.
Teachers have high expectations of what pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) can do. They adapt what they are teaching so that pupils with SEND can join in and learn well.
There is a vast range of clubs for pupils to join after school and during the day. Pupils can learn new things as well as practise what they are already good at. They help older people in their local community.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders want every pupil to be well prepared for the next stage in their life. They seek to make a difference to pupils' lives. Leaders aim to provide a rich curriculum that builds pupils' knowledge.
They provide opportunities for pupils to try new things, work together well, care for each other and understand the world around them. They have high expectations for all pupils.
Children settle quickly into Nursery.
They learn to listen, take turns and work well together. They enjoy looking for things around them that start with the sounds they have learned. Adults tell familiar stories to children.
Children enjoy joining in with the parts that they can remember. Most adults model the sounds that letters make well. However, not all adults match what they are teaching in phonics to what children know and can do.
Adults ask good questions to make children think about why objects float or sink. They help children to learn new words so that they can explain the difference between a lion and a tiger. They spot when children have not remembered the differences between shapes, and they provide clear explanations.
In some subjects, pupils use what they have already learned well. In dance, pupils recall the steps that they have learned and practise them so that they can perform them better. Pupils are keen to improve.
Teachers organise mathematics lessons so that pupils build on what they know. Pupils become fluent mathematicians. They use what they know to solve problems.
Teachers read to pupils regularly and pupils enjoy listening. Pupils speak with enthusiasm about story time. However, teachers do not make sure that the youngest pupils practise the sounds that they are learning.
For example, sometimes the books that pupils read contain sounds that pupils do not know. Not all pupils become fluent readers.
Subject leaders have made some changes to the curriculum.
They have identified the important words that pupils need to know. However, in a few subjects, pupils do not recall prior learning well. Pupils do not use what they have previously learned to help them with what they are currently learning.
For example, pupils could not explain how shadows form, because they did not understand that some materials are opaque.
Leaders identify pupils' needs quickly. They make sure that staff know how to help pupils.
For example, pupils who need support with their speech get extra help. Leaders check that this help is making a difference to pupils with SEND and change it if they need to. The nurture group helps pupils to concentrate better and learn more.
Pupils support each other. Pupils who are 'friendship builders' check that everyone has someone to play with. Pupils who are 'pupil negotiators' help others to sort out disagreements.
Pupils pass on their experience to other pupils and train their peers so that they can do these roles too.
Leaders make sure that pupils learn about different cultures. Pupils learn to pause and reflect as they think about their own beliefs and those of others.
They can explain how this helps them to develop 'inner strength'. Pupils have many opportunities to develop new skills in music, craft and gardening. They can try new sports and compete.
Leaders make sure that all pupils have the chance to join in with a wide range of activities.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Pupils feel safe in school and their parents agree that they are.
Pupils learn how to keep themselves safe when they are online and outdoors. Checks take place before adults start to work at the school. Governors make sure that these are up to date.
Leaders make sure that staff have up-to-date training. Leaders act promptly if they have concerns about a pupil's safety. They work with external services if this is in the best interests of the pupil.
They make sure that pupils and their families get the help that they need.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
Teachers do not make sure that what they are teaching in phonics builds on what pupils have already learned. Not all staff model the sounds that letters make well enough.
They do not check precisely enough what pupils know and can do. They do not make sure that the books that pupils read consistently give them the chance to practise the sounds which they know. Leaders should make sure that all staff receive the training that they need to become expert teachers of reading.
They should establish a consistent approach to the teaching of phonics and check that this is making a difference. They should check that books are well matched so that pupils can practise the sounds that they know and become fluent readers. .
Leaders have not made sure that the teaching of all subjects consistently builds on pupils' knowledge of the concepts in individual subjects. Leaders should ensure that teaching in all subjects is coherently sequenced. Teachers should ensure that pupils consistently recall what they have learned in previous lessons and use this to deepen their understanding of what they are currently learning.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.