Wymondham College

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About Wymondham College

Name Wymondham College
Website http://www.wymondhamcollege.org
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Mr Andy Robinson
Address Golf Links Road, Morley, Wymondham, NR18 9SZ
Phone Number 01953609000
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1424
Local Authority Norfolk
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

At Wymondham College there is a palpable sense of aspiration. Pupils from all backgrounds flourish. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) get excellent support.

Pupils new to the school or sixth form immediately understand and engage with the ethos. Consequently, pupils achieve exceptionally well.

Pupils benefit from a high-quality curriculum.

From the start of key stage 3, they rapidly build up what they know. Students in the sixth form go on to ambitious destinations. Pupils articulate a rich understanding of their subjects.

Expectations for behaviour are high and established throughout the school. Older pupils model resp...onsible conduct for younger ones. Boarders and day pupils alike live and breathe the school's values of pride, passion and positivity.

They show considerable enthusiasm for learning. Respect and kindness are embedded in the safe culture. In all year groups, pupils are courteous and confident.

There is a huge range of opportunities. Pupils enthuse about the quality of these. There are clubs for all, such as music, debating, martial arts and gardening.

Pupils compete at high-level sporting events. They start and run many of the enrichment activities. Pupils espouse the multiple leadership positions and charity events.

This helps them develop deep character strengths.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

It is a long time since the educational side of the school was inspected by Ofsted. Since then, the school has maintained and developed the high quality of safeguarding and all aspects of provision.

The trust and leaders have built on longstanding traditions and strengths. This has ensured pupils experience a superb quality of education.

The curriculum, including in the sixth form, is broad and very well planned.

It identifies ambitious aims for what pupils should learn. For example, almost all pupils study demanding subjects, such as languages at GCSE. Subject leaders give close consideration to the order in which pupils will learn content.

For instance, pupils conduct science experiments once they have the knowledge they need to do them successfully. Wider experiences seamlessly extend pupils' learning. The meticulously planned curriculum empowers pupils to develop detailed and richly connected knowledge.

As a result, pupils achieve to an extremely high level. This is especially so regarding disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND.

The curriculum delivery is highly successful.

Teachers have strong levels of expertise and subject knowledge. The school and the trust ensure they access top quality training to continue to hone their skills. Staff in the sixth form teach to a high academic level.

Teachers plan activities that help pupils build up knowledge in their subjects. Leaders build up a thorough picture of pupils' SEND so these are identified with the greatest possible accuracy. These pupils get skilful support to access and understand challenging learning.

Pupils can apply their knowledge in different contexts and situations with considerable assurance. This means they produce work of an impressive standard.

Reading receives a high priority.

The weakest readers get the help they need. Those who are fluent but still lack confidence get regular support. Teachers skilfully assist pupils to understand texts with difficult and novel terminology.

The school has developed a deep-rooted culture of positive behaviour. Staff teach pupils expectations relentlessly and expertly. As a result, pupils embody the school's high standards for conduct.

They have high attendance as they do not want to miss out on what the school offers. Pupils do not disrupt lessons, because they wish to learn. The need for sanctions is rare.

Where they are used, pupils rapidly learn to regulate themselves better. Behaviour is exemplary.

There is an extensive and highly effective programme for personal development.

Pupils learn difficult content in a way they find meaningful and relevant. They value this learning and articulate mature views, such as about safeguarding and consent. Pupils are taught how to overcome problems.

Those who face personal challenges are very appreciative of the strong support they get with their mental health. As a consequence, pupils develop into exceptional young people. They are ambassadors and advocates for the school.

Pupils from Year 7 to 13 receive a strong and coherent careers education. They are equipped to make informed choices, such as about apprenticeships. A high proportion of pupils progress to higher education, including many to the most selective universities.

Trustees support the school with considerable commitment and skill. They know the school very well. The trust has recently reviewed the structure of governance and put in place one that meets the needs of the school effectively.

Where trustees need to challenge leaders' work, they do this rigorously. The checks on safeguarding are regular and robust.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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