Yardley Primary School

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About Yardley Primary School

Name Yardley Primary School
Website http://www.yardleyprimary.co.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Chris Evans
Address Hawkwood Crescent, London, E4 7PH
Phone Number 02085293671
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 502
Local Authority Waltham Forest
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils at this school are safe and happy, and they achieve very well.

This combination of strengths has been achieved through a sustained culture of high expectations and a genuine sense of community that runs through the school. Pupils benefit from being taught by caring, experienced and knowledgeable teachers. They study an ambitious curriculum, which starts in the early years.

Leaders make sure that pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) follow the same rich curriculum as their classmates.

Pupils behave very well in lessons and around the school. They take pride in their work.

Very strong learning habits start in Nursery,... ensuring that children are ready for the next stage in their education. Staff know the pupils in the school very well. This means that they can provide work that they know is just right for each pupil.

It also helps pupils to feel safe and to know they can share any concerns that they may have with adults.

Parents and carers appreciate that staff and leaders are approachable and accessible. They value the regular communication from the school.

Staff are very proud to work in the school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have developed an ambitious curriculum that is interesting, broad and balanced. Important subject content has been thoughtfully put together so that pupils learn more and remember more over time.

Leaders make sure that pupils can see links within the subjects they are learning and across other subjects. For example, pupils apply their scientific knowledge when discussing healthy lifestyles in personal, social and health education (PSHE) lessons. The revisiting of important knowledge starts very early on in the early years, where children benefit from a very strong start to their school life.

The curriculum is further enriched through carefully considered trips. For example, when pupils are studying the Romans in history, they also visit Verulamium (the Roman name for St Albans).

Teachers are skilled at checking pupils' understanding.

This means that any pupils who need extra help are quickly identified. It also means that teachers can match the work carefully to pupils' abilities. In mathematics and English lessons, pupils work at different paces and sometimes on different tasks.

Teachers' very strong subject knowledge ensures that pupils progress quickly through the curriculum. This in turn leads to exceptionally strong outcomes in reading, writing and mathematics. Pupils with SEND are very well supported so that they benefit from the same curriculum and achieve well.

This includes children in Nursery and Reception, where skilled adults help children to play and work together.

Reading is prioritised across the whole school. This starts in the early years.

From the very start of Reception, pupils are taught letters and sounds in a structured way so that they can quickly decode words. Pupils who need extra help with their reading are swiftly identified. These pupils benefit from regular and effective one-to-one support so that they can become more fluent with their reading.

The school has very high expectations for pupils' behaviour. These expectations are consistently met. Pupils are polite, respectful and caring.

They know that unkind language is not acceptable. They support each other and are kind to one another. For example, during the annual cross-country race, pupils cheer on and encourage those who are less strong runners.

Pupils feel safe in the school because they know they can share any concerns they may have with adults. Pupils can put their thoughts into the 'feelings box', which they know will be checked and acted upon. Levels of attendance are consistently high.

Pupils' development extends beyond the academic curriculum. The PSHE programme teaches pupils about important life skills, such as staying healthy, in an age-appropriate way. Pupils read a diverse range of books by authors from a variety of backgrounds.

In history and religious education lessons, they learn about important values such as tolerance of others and respect for the rule of law. Pupils all learn to sign using Makaton. The wide range of clubs on offer, including sketching, dance and a number of sports, helps pupils to develop new talents and interests.

Leaders make sure pupils from all backgrounds can access these.

Staff are very well supported. This includes early career teachers, who benefit from the expertise of established and dedicated colleagues.

Trustees and governors know the school very well. They share the same ambition as leaders: to ensure that the school is a central part of the community it serves.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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