Yeo Moor Primary School

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About Yeo Moor Primary School

Name Yeo Moor Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Mr Roland Lovatt
Address Yeo Moor Primary School, Clevedon, BS21 6JL
Phone Number 01275875607
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 363
Local Authority North Somerset
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils love to learn at Yeo Moor Primary School. Leaders have created an exciting, well-designed curriculum.

Pupils delight in the experiences which link to their learning. For example, visits to Cheddar Caves brings geography to life. The curriculum and wider opportunities encourage all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), to 'care, cherish and excel'.

Leaders have high expectations of pupils' behaviour. Relationships between and among pupils and staff are respectful and caring. Most pupils conduct themselves well in class, at play, and around the school.

However, a small number of pupils struggle to manage their... feelings or behaviour. Pupils are confident that adults will help them sort out bullying issues if they occur.

Pupils feel safe and happy in school.

They take their responsibilities seriously. For example, play leaders support children in Reception at playtime. Leaders listen to pupils' views.

For instance, kindness ambassadors raise issues and share ideas directly with the headteacher.

Parents and carers speak very highly of the school. Comments typically relate to the effective teaching, caring staff, and inspiring lessons.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

All staff share leaders' high aspirations for pupils. They have created an ambitious curriculum which sets out the essential knowledge pupils need to know. This knowledge has been carefully mapped out from early years through to Year 6.

For example, in Year 1 pupils learn about Brunel's impact in the south-west of England. This knowledge helps pupils to understand the Victorian era when they study local history in Year 5.

Leaders have placed reading at the heart of the curriculum.

This begins in Reception Year where children quickly learn the sounds they need to begin to read. Teachers frequently check if pupils are keeping up with the reading programme. Well trained staff provide immediate support to pupils who struggle.

This means they catch up quickly. Pupils enjoy choosing books from the school's well stocked library. Pupils leave primary school with a love of reading and the ability to read with fluency and confidence.

In Reception Year, children develop a secure understanding of mathematical concepts. Adults create opportunities for children to practise their mathematical knowledge. For example, children count pieces of 'treasure' found in the sandpit.

However, sometimes children's language skills are not developed well enough. This is because adults miss opportunities to talk to children about their learning. Pupils revisit their learning which helps them to understand more complex concepts.

For example, in Year 3 pupils recap telling the time in 5-minute intervals before telling the time to the nearest minute. Teachers regularly check what pupils do and do not know.

Leaders have created the 'Yeo Moor Way', which sets out how staff should teach the curriculum.

Leaders provide a high-quality programme of development for staff. Pupils gain and retain knowledge because they are well taught. For example, teachers give precise feedback, so pupils know how to improve their work.

By Year 6, pupils can accurately judge their own work.

Pupils with SEND learn the same curriculum as their peers. Teachers adapt learning to ensure pupils with SEND are successful.

For example, pupils learn subject-specific vocabulary before they read these words in a text. Plans to support some pupils who need extra help with their behaviour are not always precise enough. This means some do not improve as quickly as they could.

Almost all pupils are attentive in lessons and keen to participate. They are respectful towards each other and take turns to share their ideas. Pupils take pride in the presentation of their work and are keen to make improvements.

A few pupils lose focus and disengage in lessons. Sometimes teachers do not have high enough expectations and do not address this quickly enough.

Leaders want pupils to become resilient, active, responsible citizens.

They learn to care for others and the world through 'helping hands'. Pupils find out about life in modern Britain. From Reception Year, children learn about democracy by voting for the book of the day.

Pupils learn about the protected characteristics and are tolerant of others. They recognise the importance of being physically and mentally healthy.

Leaders, including governors, have a clear vision to prepare pupils for the next phase in their education.

This drives their work in school. Governors know the school well. They hold leaders to account for the quality of education and care that pupils receive.

Staff fully appreciate leaders' consideration of their workload and wellbeing.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders, including governors, ensure that keeping children safe is high priority.

All staff receive regular safeguarding training. This means they can spot early signs that pupils may need help. Staff are quick to report concerns.

Safeguarding records are comprehensive, and leaders follow up on all concerns.

Leaders provide timely support for children and families in need. They will also involve external agencies to secure more specialist help.

Leaders make the right checks when recruiting new staff.

Leaders have provided a curriculum where pupils explore healthy and unhealthy relationships. Pupils feel safe and readily share their worries with adults in school.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Plans for pupils with SEND and those who need support to manage their behaviour do not set out precisely what they need to improve or by when. This means pupils do not always make rapid enough progress in their area of need. Leaders should ensure all support plans are precise and timebound so that pupils receive the necessary support to make good progress in their area of need.

• A few members of staff do not have high enough expectations of pupils' attitudes to learning. Consequently, some pupils lose focus and disengage from the lesson. Leaders should ensure that all staff have high expectations of pupils' attitudes to learning so they learn well.

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