Yerbury Primary School

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About Yerbury Primary School

Name Yerbury Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Ms Cassie Moss
Address Foxham Road, Yerbury Road, London, N19 4RR
Phone Number 02072726580
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 452
Local Authority Islington
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Yerbury Primary School is a place in which leaders, staff and pupils live by their school motto, 'Work hard, Play well, Learn lots, Have fun, Be kind'. Leaders and staff have high expectations of pupils. Pupils rise to these expectations very positively.

Leaders and staff help pupils to achieve high academic standards. They support pupils' wider development exceptionally well. Pupils are happy and safe here.

Classrooms across the school are alive with purposeful learning.

Pupils behave extremely well. They move around school calmly and sensibly.

They speak politely and thoughtfully to adults and each other. Adults foster a climate of mutual respect. ...Leaders take any incidents of bullying seriously.

Staff deal with any concerns promptly. Staff are positive role models and encourage pupils to treat everyone with great respect.

Leaders ensure that everyone in the school's community is treated equally, and pupils are proud to attend.

Pupils enjoy a wide range of clubs, residentials and visits to many places of interest in the local area and further afield. Parents and carers are overwhelmingly supportive of the school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders at all levels, including the governing body, provide the very best education for all pupils.

They have established a positive and supportive staff culture of teamwork and respect. Staff's dedication, commitment and skills help to realise leaders' vision for excellence.

Leaders have designed and implemented an ambitious curriculum for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Leaders ensure that staff have the expertise to plan and deliver the curriculum. Leaders have put in place a well-sequenced curriculum in all subjects that identifies what pupils must know and remember, starting in the early years. Teachers in early years skilfully develop children's understanding across all areas of learning.

Leaders have thought carefully about how and when they will teach important content across all subjects. Teachers check carefully that pupils meet their high expectations for learning in every subject. They help all pupils, including those with SEND, to gain new knowledge, vocabulary and skills.

Learning is greatly enhanced through a rich diet of educational visits. Leaders support pupils with SEND effectively. They identify the needs of pupils with SEND accurately, and staff provide support so that these pupils flourish.

Teachers' use of assessment is consistently strong and well embedded. They ensure that pupils have regular opportunities to revise prior learning. This prepares pupils very well for learning new content.

Teachers have great expertise in supporting the development of pupils' subject-specific knowledge, skills and vocabulary.

The teaching of reading takes a high priority in the school. In the early years, teachers focus on children's communication and language skills.

Teachers support children to learn and practise using unfamiliar words and phrases regularly. Teachers across the school encourage pupils' love of books and reading. Phonic teaching begins early.

Teachers check pupils' phonics knowledge carefully and quickly spot those who need help. They ensure that pupils' reading books match the sounds that they know. This supports pupils to read with fluency.

Teachers read and discuss high-quality texts with pupils regularly.

Pupils are extremely well prepared for the next stages in their education. Staff encourage pupils to appreciate different cultures, views and beliefs.

Leaders and staff share high expectations for pupils' behaviour. Children in the early years learn to cooperate with their peers and follow instructions. Staff ably help pupils to express and manage their feelings.

Therefore, time in the classroom and playground is calm and positive for everyone, with no disruption to learning. Pupils are taught how to keep themselves and others physically and mentally healthy. For example, school ambassadors support younger pupils to lead active lifestyles during breaktimes.

Leaders and staff help parents to improve their children's attendance when needed. Pupils attend school regularly. Staff appreciate leaders' consideration and support for managing their workload.

Leaders ensure that all staff receive focused and highly effective training. The governing body provides effective support and challenge to leaders.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders are tenacious in their pursuit of keeping pupils safe. Staff attend regular training and know how to report and record concerns accurately. Leaders follow up quickly on any pupil safety and welfare concerns.

They work with external agencies in a timely manner. Appropriate safeguarding checks are completed before staff and volunteers begin working at the school. Pupils are taught how to keep themselves safe, both in the local community and online.

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