Zouch Academy

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About Zouch Academy

Name Zouch Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Mrs Nina Johnson
Address Wavell Road, Tidworth, SP9 7JF
Phone Number 01980842293
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 410
Local Authority Wiltshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils flourish at Zouch Academy. They are proud to belong to this exceptional community. Staff have the highest aspiration for every pupil.

The school's values shine through the daily interactions between pupils and adults. Parents are unwavering in their support for the school. They appreciate the care and help the school provides.

Children in Nursery receive an excellent start to their education. Adults have high expectations of all children and they respond exceptionally well to these. Children understand and follow the daily routines well.

The culture of positive behaviour permeates the school. Many pupils join the school mid-year. They quickly adopt the... school's high expectations and settle extremely well.

This makes for a harmonious and safe place in which to learn.

The pastoral support the school provides for pupils and their families is exceptional. The school builds positive relationships with pupils and families as a matter of priority when they join.

This supports them to feel part of the school family.

Pupils and adults' well-being is at the core of the curriculum. The 'kind minds' focus helps pupils to develop a breadth of strategies to look after their mental health and well-being.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school, supported by the trust, leaves no stone unturned to find ways to refine the excellent provision. Nothing is left to chance. Many pupils join Zouch Academy at different points throughout the year and cohorts change regularly.

In addition, the proportion of pupils with special educational needs and or/disabilities (SEND) is high. The high levels of mobility are effectively managed by the school. They make sure that during the time pupils are on roll, they make strong progress and succeed.

However, the quality of education pupils currently receive is not reflective of the school's published outcomes. This is because many pupils attend Zouch Academy for only part of their primary education, which impacts the published data.

The broad and ambitious curriculum begins in Nursery, where strong foundations for future learning are laid.

The school has set out the knowledge and skills pupils need to learn. Adults check pupils' understanding and address any gaps. For example, 'MOT' lessons in mathematics remedy misconceptions and support pupils to develop a secure understanding of number.

This helps pupils to solve more complex problems.

The school is equally ambitious for pupils with SEND. Effective systems for identification mean these pupils receive the additional support they need.

As a result, pupils with SEND progress exceptionally well through the curriculum from their starting points.

The school has created a strong culture of reading. Children in the early years enjoy listening to stories and singing rhymes.

The purposeful interactions between adults and children support the development of language and communication. Children learn phonics as soon as they join the school. Staff are experts in the delivery of high-quality phonics lessons which support pupils to learn to read well.

The school uses assessment information meticulously to identify pupils at risk of falling behind. Adults act quickly to provide the extra help they need. Older pupils talk animatedly about the book 'vending machine'.

This motivates them to read at home. The books set out in the reading curriculum broaden pupils' understanding of diversity and culture.

Wider curriculum subjects have as much of a priority as English and mathematics.

The art and design curriculum supports pupils to develop a deep understanding of a broad range of artists and the techniques they use in their work. For example, pupils enthusiastically recall a recent project about Kevork Mourad and monotype printing. The work they produce is of a remarkable standard and pupils are extremely proud of their achievements.

Pupils' attitudes to learning are excellent. They move around the school in a calm and orderly way. Adults support pupils with kindness and encouragement.

From Nursery Year onwards, children listen with respect towards one another and adults. Pupils are well mannered and polite. They welcome visitors to the school with a smile.

The school provides many opportunities for pupils to develop a sense of responsibility. Head and deputy head boys and girls, alongside the school council, play a key role in influencing decisions to move the school forward.

The school's programme for personal development is exceptional.

The 'inner' curriculum supports pupils to develop as happy, confident and well-rounded individuals. Equality and acceptance are at the heart of the school. Pupils have a mature understanding of the protected characteristics.

They are adamant that everybody is treated fairly and with respect. They know school counsellors are there to help them if they struggle. Many pupils have a parent serving overseas.

The 'bluey' club provides comfort and support. Pupils appreciate this and say it helps them to 'get worries off their mind'.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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