The Best Primary Schools
in Bretherton

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The Best Primary Schools Near Bretherton

These are the top primary and secondary schools near Bretherton ordered by their Ofsted inspection rating then name. To compare all schools near Bretherton in more detail use our intuitive schools map, where you can see parent reviews, catchment areas, exam results, league tables and much more.

School Inspection Rating Type Ages
All Hallows Catholic High School
Crabtree Avenue, Penwortham, Preston, PR1 0LN
Outstanding Secondary 11-16
Longton Primary School
School lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5YA
Outstanding Primary 4-11
Penwortham Girls’ High School
Cop Lane, Penwortham, Preston, PR1 0SR
Outstanding Secondary 11-16
Rainbow Hub School
Rainbow Hub, Salt Pit Lane, Ormskirk, L40 2QX
Outstanding Independent (special) 4-11
Trinity and St Michael’s VA CofE/Methodist Primary School
Out Lane, Croston, Leyland, PR26 9HJ
Outstanding Primary 4-11
Bishop Rawstorne Church of England Academy
Highfield Road, Croston, Leyland, PR26 9HH
Good Academy 11-16
Bretherton Endowed Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School
South Road, Bretherton, Leyland, PR26 9AH
Good Primary 4-11
Cop Lane Church of England Primary School, Penwortham
Cop Lane, Penwortham, Preston, PR1 9AE
Good Primary 4-11
Eccleston Primary School
Doctors Lane, Eccleston, Chorley, PR7 5RA
Good Primary 4-11
Eccleston St Mary’s Church of England Primary School
The Green, Eccleston, Chorley, PR7 5TE
Good Primary 4-11
Holmeswood Methodist School
Chapel Lane, Holmeswood, Ormskirk, L40 1UD
Good Primary 3-11
Hoole St Michael CofE Primary School
Liverpool Old Road, Much Hoole, Preston, PR4 5JQ
Good Primary 3-11
Howick Church Endowed Primary School
Liverpool Road, Penwortham, Preston, PR1 0NB
Good Primary 4-11
Hutton Church of England Grammar School
Liverpool Road, Hutton, Preston, PR4 5SN
Good Secondary 11-18
Leyland St James Church of England Primary School
Slater Lane, Leyland, PR26 7SH
Good Primary 4-11
Little Hoole Primary School
Dob Lane, Walmer Bridge, Preston, PR4 5QL
Good Primary 5-11
Mawdesley St Peter’s Church of England Primary School
Hurst Green, Mawdesley, Ormskirk, L40 2QT
Good Primary 5-11
Moss Side Primary School
Paradise Lane, Leyland, PR26 7ST
Good Primary 4-11
New Longton All Saints CofE Primary School
Hugh Barn Lane, New Longton, Preston, PR4 4XA
Good Primary 4-11
Penwortham Broad Oak Primary School
Pope Lane, Penwortham, Preston, PR1 9DE
Good Primary 4-11
Penwortham, St Teresa’s Catholic Primary School
Stanley Grove, Penwortham, Preston, PR1 0JH
Good Primary 4-11
Richard Durning’s Endowed Primary School
Chorley Road, Bispham, Ormskirk, L40 3SL
Good Primary 3-11
Rufford CofE School
Flash Lane, Rufford, Ormskirk, L40 1SN
Good Primary 3-11
Seven Stars Primary School
Peacock Hall Road, Leyland, PR25 1TD
Good Primary 3-11
St Anne’s Catholic Primary School
Slater Lane, Leyland, PR25 1TL
Good Primary 4-11
St Oswald’s Catholic Primary School, Longton
Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB
Good Primary 4-11
Tarleton Academy
Hesketh Lane, Tarleton, Preston, PR4 6AQ
Good Academy 11-16
Tarleton Community Primary School
Hesketh Lane, Tarleton, Preston, PR4 6AT
Good Primary 3-11
Tarleton Holy Trinity CofE Primary School
Church Road, Tarleton, Preston, PR4 6UP
Good Primary 4-11
Whitefield Primary School
Oaklands Drive, Penwortham, Preston, PR1 0RH
Good Primary 4-11
Aurora Brooklands School
159 Longmeanygate, Midge Hall, Leyland, PR26 7TB
Requires improvement Independent (special) 9-16
St Peter and Paul Catholic Primary School, Mawdesley
Ridley Lane, Mawdesley, Nr Ormskirk, L40 3PP
Requires improvement Primary 4-11
Hesketh-With-Becconsall All Saints CofE School
Shore Road, Hesketh Bank, Preston, PR4 6RD
Inadequate Academy 3-11

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