The Best Primary Schools
in Chatham Green

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The Best Primary Schools Near Chatham Green

These are the top primary and secondary schools near Chatham Green ordered by their Ofsted inspection rating then name. To compare all schools near Chatham Green in more detail use our intuitive schools map, where you can see parent reviews, catchment areas, exam results, league tables and much more.

School Inspection Rating Type Ages
Chelmsford County High School for Girls
Broomfield Road, Chelmsford, CM1 1RW
Outstanding Academy 11-18
Chelmsford Hospital School
Stump Lane, Springfield Green, Chelmsford, CM1 7SJ
Outstanding Independent 11-18
King Edward VI Grammar School, Chelmsford
Broomfield Road, Chelmsford, CM1 3SX
Outstanding Academy 11-18
Perryfields Junior School
Lawn Lane, Chelmsford, CM1 7PP
Outstanding Academy 7-11
The Beaulieu Park School
Armistice Avenue, Chelmsford, CM1 6DT
Outstanding Academy 4-19
Boreham Primary School
Juniper Road, Boreham, Chelmsford, CM3 3DB
Good Primary 4-11
Broomfield Primary School
School Lane, Broomfield, Chelmsford, CM1 7DN
Good Primary 4-11
Chelmer Valley High School
Court Road, Broomfield, Chelmsford, CM1 7ER
Good Academy 11-18
Columbus School and College
Oliver Way, Chelmsford, CM1 4ZB
Good Academy (special) 3-19
Felsted Primary School
Watch House Green, Felsted, Dunmow, CM6 3EB
Good Primary 4-11
Ford End Church of England Primary School
Main Road, Ford End, Chelmsford, CM3 1LQ
Good Academy 4-11
Great Leighs Primary School
Aragon Road, Great Leighs, Chelmsford, CM3 1RP
Good Primary 5-11
Great Waltham Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School
South Street, Chelmsford, CM3 1DF
Good Primary 5-11
John Ray Infant School
Notley Road, Braintree, CM7 1HL
Good Academy 2-7
John Ray Junior School
Notley Road, Braintree, CM7 1HL
Good Academy 7-11
Kings Road Primary School
Kings Road, Chelmsford, CM1 2BB
Good Academy 4-11
Lawford Mead Infant and Nursery School
Trent Road, Chelmsford, CM1 2JH
Good Primary 3-7
Lawford Mead Primary & Nursery
Trent Road, Chelmsford, CM1 2JH
Good Academy 3-11
Little Waltham Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School
The Street, Little Waltham, Chelmsford, CM3 3NY
Good Primary 4-11
Maltese Road Primary School
Maltese Road, Chelmsford, CM1 2PA
Good Academy 4-11
Newlands Spring Primary and Nursery School
Dickens Place, Copperfield Road, Chelmsford, CM1 4UU
Good Academy 2-11
Notley Green Primary School
Blickling Road, Great Notley, Braintree, CM77 7ZJ
Good Academy 4-11
Perryfields Infant School
Lawn Lane, Chelmsford, CM1 7PP
Good Academy 5-7
Rayne Primary and Nursery School
Capel Road, Rayne, Braintree, CM77 6BZ
Good Academy 3-11
Springfield Primary School
Forsythia Close, Springfield, Chelmsford, CM1 6XW
Good Primary 4-11
St John Payne Catholic School, Chelmsford
Patching Hall Lane, Chelmsford, CM1 4BS
Good Secondary 11-18
St Pius X Catholic Primary School
Tennyson Road, Chelmsford, CM1 4HY
Good Academy 5-11
The Belsteads School
Back Lane, Little Waltham, Essex, CM3 3PP
Good Independent (special) 10-17
The Bishops’ Church of England and Roman Catholic Primary School
Beardsley Drive, North Springfield, Chelmsford, CM1 6ZQ
Good Primary 5-11
The Boswells School
Burnham Road, Chelmsford, CM1 6LY
Good Academy 11-18
The Flitch Green Academy
Tanton Road, Little Dunmow, CM6 3GG
Good Academy 4-11
The Tyrrells School
Tavistock Road, Springfield, Chelmsford, CM1 6JN
Good Academy 4-11
White Court School
Ennerdale Avenue, Great Notley, Braintree, CM77 7UE
Good Primary 2-11
Notley High School and Braintree Sixth Form
Notley Road, Braintree, CM7 1WY
Requires improvement Academy 11-19
Parkwood Academy
Melbourne Avenue, Chelmsford, CM1 2DX
Requires improvement Academy 3-11
St Michael’s Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School
Maple Avenue, Braintree, CM7 2NS
Requires improvement Primary 4-11

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