Seesaws Holiday Club Tamworth

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About Seesaws Holiday Club Tamworth

Name Seesaws Holiday Club Tamworth
Address St. Pauls Church Hall, Coleshill Street, Fazeley, Tamworth, B78 3RQ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Staffordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children arrive happily and confidently at this vibrant club, ready to start their day. They are quick to get involved in their play as they choose from the broad range of activities that staff have set up for them. Children solve problems as they build their own structures using magnetic shapes, or persevere to complete jigsaw puzzles.

They practise their small-muscle skills as they thread beads onto fine string to create their own jewellery.Throughout their day, children remain motivated and busy. Outdoors, children develop their physical skills as they use rackets to skilfully bat a shuttlecock over a net to their peers.
.../>They take some well-managed risks to climb over and through different obstacles and balance to walk along rope. Children work together in teams to participate in quizzes. They share their knowledge with each other and practise their handwriting skills to record their answers.

Children's views are highly valued by staff. They make choices about what they would like to play with during their day. Children are independent in choosing and collecting their own meals and snacks, which staff serve to them based on their preferences.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff spend time with children so that they get to know them well. They observe children every day to develop their understanding of each child's interests and needs. This is used to plan activities and experiences that children will enjoy during their time at the club.

As a result, all children are happy and settle in quickly.Children's health is well supported. Staff encourage children to blow their own noses when needed, and remind them of when they need to wash their hands.

They provide plenty of opportunities for children to play outdoors, and explain to children about the importance of fresh air and exercise on their bodies. Children choose from a variety of healthy and nutritious snacks and meals.Children are eager to play on the games console.

Staff are mindful of the amount of screen time they are exposed to, and therefore organise sessions in 20-minute slots. Children know that they need to register and wait for their turn. They are respectful of this rule and share the console fairly with their friends.

All children behave extremely well in the club. Staff act as positive role models. They create a calm and warm environment for children.

Children understand the expectations of them. They treat resources and equipment with care and follow instructions when it is time to tidy up.Managers and staff provide high levels of support for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

They gather information from parents about children's individual needs prior to them starting at the club. This is used to put plans in place to ensure that all staff understand how to respond to their needs appropriately. This helps all children to feel welcome and settled in the club.

Children are at the centre of everything managers do. For example, managers have set up a children's council. Children and staff meet weekly to get feedback about what children have enjoyed and what they would like to do next time.

Children's views are used to inform the planning of activities, outings and menus.Parents are highly complimentary about the club. They comment on the warm and friendly approach of staff and managers, and state that their children love to attend.

Parents praise the varied activity programme and outings that are provided to children.Staff comment that they feel well supported by leaders and managers. They are provided with training opportunities before and during their employment which support them to understand their roles and responsibilities.

Staff have planned opportunities to meet with managers to discuss their performance and any concerns they may have. This helps to promote the interests of all children.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff are allocated regular training programmes to keep their knowledge of safeguarding issues up to date. They are alert to signs of abuse and neglect and know the procedures to follow if they have concerns about the safety of a child. Staff and managers know what to do if they have concerns about the conduct of another member of staff.

There is an appropriate procedure in place for the safe use of mobile phones and cameras. Managers follow robust procedures to check the suitability of staff who work with children. Risk assessment is used effectively to provide children with a safe and secure environment.

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