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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children feel safe, happy and secure at this club. They arrive full of confidence and enthusiasm and engage in delightful conversation with trusted adults.
Very quickly they immerse themselves in the wide selection of activities on offer. Transitions between the school and club are seamless. Some team members work in the school during the day and there is a highly positive relationship between the club and the school.
As a result, children have developed secure and trusting relationships with adults. Children demonstrate the utmost respect for both their environments and people. For example, they check with adults before r...emoving games from the shelf and make sure all items are returned after use.
Gentle reminders from adults help younger children to develop these important social skills. Children show kindness and consideration to their friends. For example, they willingly share their felt tip pens with others, who need them to finish a picture.
Children choose from a variety of enjoyable activities that promote collaboration. For example, they create large structures from recyclable materials. Children work on these projects together, returning each day to add to their creations.
When playing games, such as 'Hungry Frogs', children cooperate and remind each other about the rules of play.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Children enthusiastically take part in energetic outdoor play. They use the school fields to play football, run and play catch.
Children comment on how much they enjoy being outside in the fresh air and having lots of space. They are developing a good understanding of healthy lifestyles, including the need to hydrate after exercise.Children become deeply engaged in their play and work.
For example, at the colouring table, children show high levels of concentration as they colour pictures. During their junk-modelling activity, children solve problems with guidance from adults. For example, when trying to attach a very tall cardboard tube to a paper plate, adults support children to find solutions and keep the tube upright.
Children are wonderfully independent. They manage personal hygiene tasks, such as handwashing, with skill. When going to the bathroom, children follow routines, such as lining up and walking sensibly in the corridor.
Children are encouraged to make choices. For example, they choose which fillings they would like in their rolls.Children's behaviour is impeccable.
They show kindness and consideration to others, listen, and respond well to instruction. Children explain the behaviour board that is used, with confidence. They describe the expected behaviours and why you might be placed on the 'sad' face.
Adults help children to understand a range of emotions, such as frustration and anger. They support and encourage children to consider how to express themselves positively.Children describe the club as 'a fun place to be'.
They confidently share how happy and relaxed they feel, playing with their friends after a busy day of learning. Children express how they feel safe and secure because adults look after them really well. Parents comment that they feel secure in the knowledge that their children are safe and happy after school.
They appreciate the excellent communication.The provider is actively involved in the club. She has a deep knowledge of the children who attend and how to support their interests and needs.
There is a strong culture of reflective practice. The provider and her team regularly review the provision and the impact it has on children. They seek feedback from both children and parents about any improvements they might like to see.
Staff attend a broad selection of training that supports them in their roles. The active partnership with the school further extends opportunities for professional development.Children are incredibly confident communicators.
They engage in highly thoughtful and meaningful conversations with adults. For example, they recall previous events, such as Halloween. They share details about what they learned at school, such as the double 's' sound.
Children have access to the school library. They search for books that support their ideas and create their own miniature libraries from shoe boxes. As a result, children are beginning to read for pleasure.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff have a good understanding of when a child may be at risk of harm. They demonstrate secure knowledge of the indicators of abuse.
Staff are adequately trained to recognise and respond to any concerns, including how to respond to an allegation against a colleague. Regular questioning and mandatory training help staff to keep knowledge up to date. There are robust arrangements in place for recruiting new staff.
Suitability checks and references are obtained for all staff. This means that only staff who are suitable may have access to children. Ongoing suitability is checked during regular supervision meetings with staff.